Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Magnetic Core Expansion By The Pleiadians Through Christine Day

Magnetic Core Expansion
By The Pleiadians
Through Christine Day

We, the Pleiadians and the entire Universal community are holding a steady vibrational consciousness around your planet as you come to the end of one phase of Earth’s transition and enter an entirely new stage of being. Your Magnetic core is in constant expansion, its vibrational light pulse is birthing waves, like flows of light consciousness that are moving outwards infusing within all life force within your earth plane. These waves will create a building of a vibrational frequency, similar to a pressure cooker that is designed to shatter, creating explosions and shifting old outworn patterns of belief systems that no longer belong within your societies. Revelations of truth will be revealed as these shifts take place.

These expanding waves are designed to open and create a fluidity within your planets frequency while preparing your own heart cells to receive seeds of light. These waves...+

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