Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

~Love Frequencies ~ Lord Sananda & Cosmic Divine Mother and Father God ~

Love Frequencies

Cosmic Oneness February 6th, 2011

(For Listen & Download go to )

Good Evening,
This is Lord Sananda at your service.
It is my pleasure to be here once again with you for this call.
We are coming into a magnificent time into the frequency of fully activating the love energies,
not just of our physical love but of our spiritual love of the essence that we truly are
by allowing that essence to be fully embodied within our physical bodies.
There are many elements happening this week as now February is being considered
the love consciousness month.
As you know we have 11:11 days in each month; this month is being dedicated
for that love energy to be fully embraced and embellished within your being.
Friday is an 11:11 day.
That day is going to be the activation of what occurred for your Sacred Heart;
what we assisted you in December to be more fully embodied within your being,
within your emotional and mental level to allow the balance between the male and the female
to be more active within you as it ever has been before.
We bring forth these energies tonight to assist in that process.
The energy this evening will be very slowing, very moving and very encompassing,
but allow yourself to sit back and release anything that does not serve
your Highest Purpose because it will be removed.
Allow yourself to fully embrace the Divinity that you are and bring forth that balance in energies
as the Beloveds are preparing themselves around the planet
are preparing themselves to be with one another.
Each of you are embracing these moments of light to allow that frequency to be
the frequency you fully accept.
As you do this and create it within your Being, you will start to see a change in your life.
You are going to be able to share with others more fluidly of the love frequency
instead of just talking about being in-love, it will be embodying Love.
We bring that to you in this moment.
Take a deep breath. I will help to balance out the energies so you can receive
the activation from our Dearest Divine Mother and Father God.
We are going to start opening up your chakra column by allowing your Soul Star
which is 6 inches above your Crown being the active energy of
allowing your Higher Self to fully come within you.
We spin the Soul Star in a clock-wise manner, and as it spins it is going to bring in a beam
of light in through your Crown.
As it brings in this beam of Light, it is going to widen the Central Canal
also known as the Chakra Column.
Breathe deeply as it comes down into your Crown
and open up the avenues of frequency within you.
As you open up the avenues of frequency, we are going to ask for the planetary level
of the Rays to be active within you.
We start with the Will and Power within the Crown and allow that frequency
to be fully embellished in your Crown Level.
As it spins now into your Third Eye, we ask for Scientific Knowledge to be fully active
within your Third Eye. We move into the Throat as it spins wider and wider.
We now ask Active Intelligence to be active within your Throat Chakra to manifest.
We now ask for Love and Wisdom to be activated within the Heart Center.
The Central Canal is now being widened further and further.
We now move into the Solar Plexus as it houses the Devotional Ray of the New Age energies.
Connecting now into the Sacral, it is the energy of Transmutation and Ceremonial Magic;
then we move into the Root as we integrate Balance and Harmony through Conflict.
Feel that chakra column now blending completely.
Now what we are going to do is bring forth of colors within the higher rays
which will incorporate with the Planetary Rays.
If you are integrating a higher frequency within a ray in each of the chakras,
that is assisting you in your ascension process.
Right now we want to only work with the Physical body to bring that within.
So now we integrate the Cosmic frequency of the Rays of God.
We are now going to bring forth the Harmony & Balance of Silver with speckles of Green.
The higher rays of Transmutation are Deep Purple. Breathe that in now.
We bring in the Cherry Deep Red of Devotion; the higher frequency of Love & Wisdom
which changes into a Golden color; Active Intelligence of Hot Pink of Manifestation;
we bring in the rays of Scientific Knowledge with specks Orange and Green all together
and then Will and Power of the Blue.
We are not going to worry about where these colors need to go into each chakra
but just bring in the fluctuation of the energies.
We want everyone to receive the higher Cosmic colors.
Then we move into the Sea Foam Green by breathing it in your entire body.
Breathe in Peach-Pink within your body, Blue-Green, the Pearlescence,
the Golden flame of the Christ Consciousness and now we are embodying all elements
of the higher rays at the same time. Allow those to infiltrate within you.
Allow the colors of all colors and the multitude of colors to be focusing within your four-body system.
As the four-body system now blends into one area, we ask that the Heart
and Solar Plexus blend into one chakra.
It opens up the Thymus area which is the Seat of Your Soul;
it opens up your Throat area which is vibratory communication.
We are now preparing you to receive the higher energies fully within your body
as you never have previously.
Allow those frequencies to be fully within you.
Allow yourself to accept the Divinity of your Love ~
the Divinity of your Essence as now we ask for the entranceway of your Higher Self,
your Soul, through the Antakarana Bridge, the Rainbow Bridge from your
Soul Star into the heavens above as your Higher Self
comes down through the Crown and settles itself past the Third Eye
into the Throat, into the Thymus, the Heart, and the Solar Plexus.
Fill the energies of your Soul to come down further into your lower chakras and into the feet.
Now feel the beauty that you are; feel the beauty and the essence of the compassion
and full activation of your Light Body to be fully within you in this moment.
Allow yourself to focus within the Divinity that you are and just be prepared for
the energy that is now going to enfold within you.
Concentrate in your heart area of the balance of your Yin and Yang,
your male and female, and your God and Goddess.
The Goddess being on the left and the God being on the right.
Feel the balance of the Golden Flame across your Heart but now feel the inflection
of the left side of your body of the beautiful Pink light and the right side of your body of the Blue light.
Allow these elements between your Physical, your Etheric, your Emotional,
and your Mental now to blend in the circumference within your Heart
so that the Blue and the Pink blend together. This is the union within.
We allow this union within, this frequency to be fully incorporated within your physical being.
I give you my love and Devotion of the 6th Ray to bring deep colors within you
to assist in the process of you sharing with others the devotion that is within your Heart.
I Am Lord Sananda, at your service.
I AM that I AM that I AM that I AM
I AM the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God
Holy God of Hosts
Breathe deeply allow yourself to feel the frequency that is coming
into your hearts in this moment.
We embrace you, we integrate you, we intertwine our energies within you
as you have now opened up your chakra column to allow the receiving energies
to assist you in the process of your Divinity to blend your bodies together
of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental.
Allow all the thoughts and all the feelings to be fully aligned with your Divine energy.
Just take a deep breath. Take a deep breathe within the Heart, the solar Plexus and the Thymus.
Feel the vibration that is occurring for you right now. We are bringing you this vibration.
THIS WEEK IS A POWERFUL WEEK for the onset of the heart-centeredness
in the physical body at any other time.
You have been accelerating yourself at this point and the acceleration processes
are going to be coming farther and farther as you move into the Divinity of this year.
This is your time to fully embrace this.
We say to this right now “We honor you for the work that you are doing”
We know that it is challenging to bring forth these energies into your body but you are here to assist.
To assist humanity, to assist the Earthplane, to assist Gaia, to receive the frequency.
We bring forth these energies to you in this call because we feel it is important for
as many people for as many people to embrace this frequency whether they listen to it physically,
or they listening in the record, we have asked Dearest Christine
to bring forth these energies through her so that you can be embodied as she is
through this process of frequencies.
It is a very high frequency and each of you that are on this call every week,
we honor you more deeply than you can ever know.
The light energies that are incorporating within your bodies are assisting this planet.
Yes, there are many changes that are going to be happening and the Earth
is going to be splitting into a star as a 5th dimensional frequency.
We need to heal as much of the planet as possible
so we can take as much of the land masses as possible.
This is why this is so very important. It is not just as important for your own Divinity
which is very major aspect and is the first aspect we need to think of,
but in the totality of the higher consciousness, what is happening here,
is you are assisting this Earthplane.
The more that we assist in the physical body the more that you will see that the land will change.
The land masses and the energies will focus in a higher frequency
and be able to formulate with these Cosmic energies so when the splitting apart
starts to take place in certain areas, the 5thdimensional frequency will take with it
as much massive land frequency as possible.
So let’s think about this.
As you are bringing forth this energy in this light circumstance,
we ask for your Heart Center’s to vibrate with the frequency in this moment
because the integration and the vibration that is assisting each of you in this moment,
is occurring in a level of existence that you haven’t quite understood.
You are feeling it, you express it, you expand it but there are no words for it
as you have not quite tapped into that wisdom of your highest mind
of when you were created from us in the beginning.
This is the process of what we re going to give to you.
So expect the massive amount in this month to focus upon the heart centeredness,
the essence of love, the essence of purity the essence of charity,
the essence of experience within your Being
as never expressed in any other lifetime for anyone.
No one has experienced this – not the Masters that have walked before you.
They have not experienced to the extent to which you are holding on because the Earth is needed.
You are expressing the joy and the extension from our hearts to your hearts
of what it was eons ago when the lands and the people had fallen from grace.
So expand yourself through your meditations; expand yourself through your awake state;
expand yourself within your dream state.
Become more awake in your dream state, command it to be to remember your knowledges
so you can impart these knowledges onto yourself first and then to others.
And how are you going to impart it to others?
It is a true vibration as we allow the vibration continues to be in a space that you are,
you will start to understand the essence of what is occurring.
Within this essence that is occurring, there is a frequency that is going to allow you
to fully accept the Divinity that You Are within the process
and the continuance of your life on this Earthplane.
The continuance of your life on this plane is the lineage of your Divinity of the expression that You Are.
This expression is going to bring froth massive memory phases in your dream state,
into your awake state, within your meditation state for you
to fully accept what it is that is happening for you.
Breathe deeply and allow those massive energies to be fully within you now
as we open up the Heart with the frequencies of the Platinum Ray and the Blues, Greens,
Violets, Lavenders,, and high frequencies of the Silvers, Lime Green,
Bright, so bright that they are irresdecent and allow that to come into your Heart right now.
Allow yourself to just receive. Just to receive the frequency that you are as we stand in front of you
as Divine Mother and Father God sending you this heart energy sending you
the vibration that You Are as we bring forth this energy.
Deeply breathe it…allow it to go into you..
Allow it to move through you and just center upon your feet into the Earth.
We want to ground this deeply into the Earth because this is the divinity that you are.
You are receiving the Cosmic, you are receiving the Multi-Universal,
Universal, Galactic, Solar onto the Planetary.
Allow your body to vibrate with this. It is imperative that you allow the vibrations
to go through you and then into the ground because
this is what is assisting Gaia in her ascension process also.
Say these words to yourself:
I AM that I AM that I AM
I AM a commander from the highest frequency of Light from the Cosmic,
from Multi-Universal, from Universal, from Galactic, from Solar into the Planetary.
I have remembrance within me and I ask for this remembrance to come to the forefront
as I embody the purest essence of love.
As a full remembrance of my birth and I allow that rebirth to occur for me in this body,
in this NOW, as I accept the Love of my Divine Essence of my higher self and my I AM Presence,
my Oversoul, as I express my Love onto Divine Mother and Father God in each moment of my day.
I AM that I AM that I AM
As you say these words to yourself, you will start to affirm within your consciousness
what exactly is happening. Some of you have a hard time redirecting that programming.
We ask now that the three minds of the Superconscious, Subconscious,
and the Conscious Mind all become one consciousness.
That the three minds together blend and bring forth the feeling level of the essence of your Heart.
Feel the vibration within your Heart as it filters with Reds, Pinks, Violets, and Lavenders.
Just feel the vibration fully within you and allow it to go into your Solar Plexus.
Allow it to be in your Thymus, allow it to be in your Heart, allow it to be in your entire full body structure.
Allow it to be in your Light Body. You are walking the Earth in your full ascended Light Body
in your Physical Body and allowing all these bodies to be actualized moving from the third
and the fourth into the fifth and allowing yourself to have the mirror relationships
of what you are feeling right now.
Allow yourself to bring forth these avenues in your Divinity in the Acceptance
and the purity that you are as a new born being.
Allow that newborn being to be revitalized and reborn in this moment.
Allow these frequencies to be fully within you as you embody yourself in the purest sense
of the word as you walk through the doorway of 11:11 this week.
On February 11th, 2011 take time and specific times of 11:11, 1:11
to allow yourself to feel those doorways.
Not just making a wish but to see yourself in the actualization of your Being
and walking through a new doorway.
You just maybe surprised what you see on the other side.
Your manifestations are going to increase and each month
it comes along it is going to get better and better.
So allow the Sacred Heart that has been embodied upon you two months ago to be fully reactivated.
Allow this reactivation to fully occur within you in the Divinity that you are.
I Am the Divine Mother, I empress upon you my love in this moment.
I hold you in my arms and feel the essence of whom you are and allow it to be embraced
within your entire structure.
I hold out my hand to you, I give to you the Pearls of your Light focused within your Heart.
Within the pearls are little essences and sparks to be ignited
as you walk through the doorway this week.
They represent your love, your charity, your truth your acceptance, your beauty,
your essence, and your light. Seven pearls I give to you.
I love you and hold you deeply into my arms.
I Am the Divine Father. I also empress upon you seven golden little balls.
Within these seven golden balls are your Will, your Strength, your Power,
your Acceptance, your Visibility, your visions and your Truth.
These seven golden balls will also be activated.
I put them into your right side of your heart and ask that you call upon me
for these elements to occur within your Being.
You will need the strength and the truth deeply as you will need
the Essence and the Beauty of the divine Mother.
We now come together to you as the consciousness of the Cosmic Great Central Sun
of the Divine Mother and Father God.
We allow the pearls and balls of light to blend together.
As they blend together, they will open up as you bring forth these elements.
We have a suggestion for you to sit during this week and write seven aspects
that are associated with all of the characterizations that we have given you.
It is not necessary for you to do this but it will assist you as you go through this doorway
because then the manifestations that you are desiring within these characterizations
will be more fully manifested if you focus upon the element that needs to be created.
It is our divine hope and expression of our love
and essence to come to your love and essence.
We are here to assist you and embrace you while allowing you to know that the frequency
that has come through in this Beingness is the frequency of All That Is.
We in the Divine Essence in this moment are bringing forth the completeness
and clarification of your love, of our love, of our being with your Union as we come together
with the soul family that we are.
Allow yourself to now feel the pearls and pellets of golden balls
to blend through your entire being, not Justin Heart.
Allow them to float from the left to the right and through you
and allow it to go into your Etheric body.
Allow the activation to occur as the blending of your Light Body is now accomplished
and allow that to be the actualization that you are.
We embody to you this moment the Divinity of the space and time of continuum that our Light
and our Light shall always be One. Allow it to be fully focused upon this Earth.
You are the Lightworkers,, the Way-Showers, the Teachers, the Counselors, the Healers.
You are the Ones that are needed upon this Earth and not always
Justin the words as we have said before.
Embellish it and send it down to the Earth as much as you can so that Gaia can arise to the occasion.
She still needs Christ healing. Take these moments and embellish all
that you are upon this Earth as the heavens and the earth
will become one within you and within all of humanity.
We are the Cosmic Great Central Sun and the Divine Mother and Father God
I AM that I AM that I AM
I AM that I AM that I AM
I AM…..
Love and Blessings in the name of the Christ and all of creation that is;

We are One So Mote It Be in the Name of the Holy God of Hosts .
I am Lord Sananda at your service again.
Take these energies that have been very strong and try to balance them out through you.
Do whatever is necessary in the next few hours, or the next day.
You are being prepared for a great event.
There is great truth and strength and love and wisdom that is necessary for each of you
as many changes are going to be happening.
Allow yourself to stay focused in the Light and bring the purity of the Love
that is being focused within your Heart to share with others as we allow our Sacred Hearts to vibrate together.
I AM Lord Sananda at your service, spokesperson for the Christ Consciousness.
Thank you for allowing me to be with you in these moments.
So Mote It Be In the Name of the Christ .
Cosmic Oneness
The One Heart That We All Are
Dedicated to the Communication of the
Cosmic Great Central Sun known as the Integration of
Our Divine Mother and Divine Father

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