Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

~Lord Sananda ~Sacred Heart Activations ~ Dec 2010

It is Lord Sananda at your service.
We are at a crossroads of frequencies as we are now moving into the Divine Purpose
of each individual upon this planet.
Some of the Divinity Within an individual will be completely different than your own.
Some do not know what that means as they are still holding onto their belief systems
of the lower forms of the Devotional Ray on a planetary level which has been out of existence for some time.
It is time now for the Devotion of each individual upon this planet to be infused
with the Christ Consciousness within them.
Each of you participating in an active way have chosen to do so.
Those that are not, have also chosen to do so.
There can be no judgments or thought processes of who is accepting and who is not accepting.
Your role, as Light Workers, upon this planet will be to take this Light within You,
and expand it as much as possible.
This is the direct reflection of what is occurring presently.
In order for the Earth’s energies to expand each of you need to expand it first within.
You are the Way-Showers, the ones that are going to reach out to others.
Some of you will do this in various ways. Not all is the same and this is the way it should be.
Some will be conductors onto the land masses, some will teach, some will talk to groups,
some will show, some will use vibrational frequencies, some will channel,
some will connect with the higher realms and walk like the Master they have become,
some create ceremonies and some may express themselves in other ways.
Whatever way it appears in your life, is your own pathway.
But all will reach out their hands onto the many that need to be awakened with love,
patience, consideration, joy, acceptance, and bliss.
Each living organism upon this planet will be imbued with these energies on the 25th of December.
Some will not accept it which will create more confliction in your lives;
some will be ready to accept; and some will judge the process.
It is your testing ground during this phase of your development of being a true Master upon this planet.
First, and foremost, it is your duty to receive. In that receiving you will change yourself immensely.
Some it may be unpleasant, and the tears will come.
It is an essential component because the body will react to the consciousness of love
that is being integrated within your hearts.
Let the flood gates be totally open within your heart.
Be an open book as the energy is fully received within your being.
Allow the emotions to flow and allow the thoughts to cease.
Expand yourself more fully that you ever have previously.
During the 12:12 Activation it is important to make a checklist of what you are feeling,
the emotions, and the thoughts - emotions being the feminine energies within
and the thoughts being the male energies within.
We want both sides to be in full agreement completely.
You are being assisted for these energies to be fully activated within you.
They will both expand so the entranceway of the Sacred Heart can be acknowledged.
This process will continue through 12:12 and then move into 12:21.
With the planetary alignment on this date it is going to assist you even more
to fully accept the Divinity within you. You will go deeper even if you are not even trying; it will occur.
Working through these energies are going to assist even more so;
don’t work with them and the challenges will result.
We want a clean heart center to prepare for the activation on the 25th of December.
On the 25th you will be ready to fully receive the Christ Consciousness that is the embodiment
of the complete God Force right within you.
We are all one family and now it is time for each of us to incorporate these energies.
We are traveling just as you are; readying ourselves for this great movement.
All that you have aspired to on the Inner Plane of your Higher Self, your Soul,
and your Oversoul on this date will be united as never before.
All the debris from previous lifetimes need to be re-birthed as you move forward.
What happens to the Ones that are not acknowledging these energies?
They will still be imbued with the Christ Consciousness within.
They will not know what has occurred, but they will feel different.
Some may feel moments of elation while others will feel moments of grieve.
The duality is going to get wider. Do not try to change people with your words;
it must be done with energetics and kindness.
“Kill them with kindness” and they will die the death that is needed.
You will see people coming out of the woodwork trying to make changes in people by the old ways.
Self help methods, third dimensional elements that do not include frequencies
will cease to exist in the fifth dimensional realm.
It is important to fully access your inner awareness within you with the vibration
that is coming into your being.
The fifth dimensional body can only handle energetics as the cellular structure
is changing greatly and the type of teachers you need to be
may create a feeling of uncomfortable in this moment.
You have the wisdom and knowledge, but you have been afraid to use it. NOW IS THE TIME….
You will find that with these energies that you will need to raise your vibration continually.
Utilize the voice, use your drumming, your singing bowls, crystals, tibetan Bells,
and frequencies of a higher nature than the earth’s existence.
As you do these elements, then the changes will result.
Depending upon where you are within your initiation process will be the resulting factor.
Study higher forms of thought; incorporate them; use them wisely and it will be returned to you.
Learn to shut off the mind and be in silence.
These will be your greatest times of self awareness as your higher essence
will fully be acknowledged within your physical being.
Most of all, please do not worry about the others.
I know it is sad when you see another that you love dearly not wake up.
It is their choosing to do so, and putting energy into their lower emotions
will bring you back into the downward spiraling.
Give them compassion; that will be the best medicine they can receive.
Constantly raise your vibrations as you are still living in duality.
Until you reach the 5th dimensional level, you will have to work at it every moment.
Your habits, food intake, sleep patterns, and physical symptoms are going to change for the better.
All of the ascension symptoms you have been feeling, will become stabilized if you allow it to happen.
Again, fight it and they will fight you back.
Embrace it, and the body will relax into the existence that is necessary.
Utilize the tools I have given you, find new ones, develop ones yourself,
and experience life in a different way of being than you ever thought could be possible.
Embrace this time of awakening as this is what you have been waiting for.
You are the Ones that we have been waiting for and now is your time to Shine.
If you find it challenging, talk to others that are farther down the path than you.
Reach out, have vibrational healing work done on you,
change your diet into more vegetarian which will assist in balancing the Earth Energies within you,
utilize herbs when the physical healing needs to be done,
and take the time to heal, nurture, and accept the integration that is going to occur for each of you.
December 31st will be your day to relax, enjoy, and connect to the Earth
as the changes will take place in your life.
I promise you this, it is way beyond what you could ever think is possible, and then some.
It is my Divine Pleasure to be of service to you in these moments.
I speak for the Christ Consciousness of the God Force of the 352 levels of the Mahatma,
49 dimensions of reality, from the Planetary, through the Solar, the Galactic, the Universal,
the Multi-Universal, and the Cosmic, Creative Sources of Oneness.
I Am Lord Sananda as your humble servant of Light.
Mark Edward

Starseed Claude

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