Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Look for Love Emerging

The Angels

Through Ann Albers

Posted on April 3, 2022

My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Your prayers are working. Your simple acts of kindness are rippling outward. You are changing history. As your earth experiences a chance to go backward into fear and conflict, or forwards into a brighter future, you – with your commitment to love, peace, prayer, and kindness – are part of a rising tide of love. Right now upon your earth, being loving and being at peace is a purpose beyond any personal purpose. It is more important than what you accomplish or whether you accomplish anything at all. Loving is your soul's career!
This is your chance to shine. With your commitment to being the most loving beings you can be, you are strengthening the field of love around your planet. You are withdrawing energy from the vibrations of war. You are helping to keep the balance upon your earth.
Every time you refuse to be baited into an argument, you choose peace and refuse war. Every time you pray for someone who is spiteful, mean-spirited, or angry, you rise above the vibrations of war into the truth of your love. Every time you choose not to criticize yourselves, you form a peace treaty with your soul. You dear ones, are doing the light work you came to do. Your fifth-dimensional solution (emanating a peaceful and loving energy) is shifting the outcome of your very real 3rd-dimensional world challenges. You are making a difference. ...+>>>

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