Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Living in the Creator’s Life-Stream
By Kenneth Schmitt

If we desire to align more perfectly with the conscious life-stream that is carrying us into a new era for humanity and the Earth, we must open our awareness beyond the limits that we have set for ourselves. All of our limitations are within our own consciousness and can be realized for what they are and the purpose that they serve. They exist only for our experience in the realm of duality, and they enclose our awareness within this energetic spectrum. This is the realm of fear and diminishing life. We use our conscious life-force to empower our limiting beliefs by realizing them as real. Everyone does this, and we reinforce one another’s limitations, keeping us weak and suppressed within our own consciousness. It is a hypnotic trance that we participate in.

Awakening from the human trance is possible by searching within for awareness of the radiance of the heart of our Being. By identifying and aligning with the life-enhancing expressions that come to us beyond our ego-consciousness, we can feel the joy and...+

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