Lions Gate Portal and the Evolution of HumanityTwin Flame Ascension ReportJenji and the White Wolf TribeBy Jennifer McCarty / MataHariji Jennifer beautiful brothers and sisters,
Greetings of the most high. We come forward now on this moment of your time with great news to share with you ever-evolving humanity.
We are currently in an extremely powerful and potent time of the solar and lunar cycle and rapidly moving towards the 8:8 Lion’s Gate Ascension Portal. Every year at the time of the Lion’s Gate, the earth aligns with the Sirius sun, ands the great pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.
Our ancestors understood deeply that this is a highly auspicious time in our evolutionary cycle as the earth resides much closer to its galactic core at this time and is placed in alignment whereby the photonic light bombardment is deeply intensified due to the specific location of the earth in relation to the Sirian sun, and this has a significant effect on our DNA.
If we understand who we are as frequency transmitters, we can utilise the power of this time to stabilise in higher dimensional enlightened consciousness.
Understanding that we are always empowered to choose and attune to the thoughts, timelines and frequencies we wish to magnetise into our reality is essential. For example ...+
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