The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Like Two Children
Via Gloria Wendroff
God said:
When your body and mind feel tired, why not listen to what they say? Where did you get the idea that you must operate at full steam all the time? When your body tells you it wants to rest, is your body out of line to tell you its truth? Is there not a tendency to whip your body into greater speed and endurance, or go get it fixed somewhere? Why must your body be optimum at every moment? Is not the physical also meant to rest a while? Must you argue with it?
There is enough stimulation in the world. There is enough advertising to keep you busy well into the night or early hours of the morning. Now I am telling you to treat yourself well and take time to rest your harried body. Stop driving it to new feats.
If life is not a race, why are you racing? What is it exactly that you are trying to keep up with? Or get ahead of? Perhaps it is quite all right to be at a resting place. Even deserts offer oases. Even oceans offer land. Money is good to spend, and it is also good to save. Is not your body worthy of equal consideration. Neither a spendthrift nor miser be.
A yawn signifies something. Must it always be thwarted?
Honor your body’s need for rest, and your mind’s need for quiet...+
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