The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
This ‘new’ exciting aspect of Lightwave allows you to use your energy skills to transform your reality through the use of magical words, phrases matrixes! Throughout history many masters & alchemists have used the power of invocations and the metaphysical science of celestial configurations to manifest their dreams and bring in more light to the planet. This unique course will give you the power to change your reality, transform your body, renew your environment and enhance your connections with others in a unique and very easy way. Included in this interactive class will be a collection of celestial matrixes that will boost the power of your manifestations!
Welcome! Come join us for this new expanded Lightwave Training session and learn one of the newest and most powerful energy healing processes on the planet! The technique was designed by the Pleiadians and enhanced through the energy of the Ashtar Command & beautiful accelerator technology of Bryan de Flores.
The Lightwave procedure is easy-to-learn and produces immediate positive effects for both the beginner and advanced individuals.Lightwave works to restore optimum health and youthen the physical body while increasing your psychic gifts, healing gifts & manifestation powers. The Lightwave technique can be used on yourself and others as well as pets, plants and other living things. This process is the perfect addition to any other transformational modality and will blend with any technique you are currently utilizing. The Lightwave method is energetic in nature and utilizes your hands as receivers and transmitters of the energy, in conjunction with your own intuition & instincts. Also, this new healing technology is very practical as it utilizes simple terminology and can be performed in any location or situation. There are a few different session options from which you can choose.
These training sessions will teach you how to transmit a multitude of high-frequency energy infusions to clear and balance your 9-point chakratic system, activate your 12-strand DNA and electron bodies for multidimensional ascension. The sessions include the new Akashic Blueprinting Technique, Bi-Location/Long Distance Healing Techniques and the new ‘channeled’ Lightwave processes for personality cloning and body re-shaping. These techniques will allow you to etherically ‘clone’ personality traits and energetically re-structure, enhance and renew desired/problem areas of your body.
These Live! Lightwave Training sessions can be easily accessed through your phone, cell phone or Skype!
Saturday, Session 1: Lightwave Basic Energy Training – 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Includes: Basic Lightwave Training Instruction, Full Color Lightwave Manual, Follow-Along Web Pages & Videos and Lightwave Practitioners Certificate.This Live! international telesession with Bryan will teach you the Lightwave energy technique & process. This session also gives you a full explanation and experience of the Lightwave process and the beautiful full-color Lightwave manual, which contains all the processes & accelerators and a full list of the frequencies that you will be accessing and transmitting. In addition, this class includes the easy, follow-along web page/tutorial videos and your Lightwave certification.
Saturday, Session 2: Star Magic with Lightwave Energy! - 12.00 Noon to 1:30 PM
This ‘new’ exciting aspect of Lightwave allows you to use your energy skills to transform your reality through the use of magical words, phrases matrixes! This unique course will give you the power to change your reality, transform your body, renew your environment and enhance your connections with others in a unique and very easy way. Included in this interactive class will be a collection of celestial matrixes that will boost the power of your manifestations!
Saturday All Access: Gold Star Lightwave, The Master Class & Personality Cloning
These training sessions will be available to you 24-Hours a day at-your-convenience from 6:00 PM Saturday, August 29 to 6:00 PM Friday, September 4. You may take these training sessions whenever you like (and as many times as you like) during those 6 days. The unlimited access sessions (which includes a beautiful follow-along web page) will allow you to assimilate the information at your own pace and time.
Gold Star Lightwave is a faster form of Lightwave that that accelerates the Lightwave that you are running through your hands. The Gold Star contains superluminal light and energy that will supercharge your ability to transmit energy and light wherever it is needed.
The LW Master Class will reveal the latest techniques and methods for transforming the energy matrix within our home, templating your dream state, strengthening your love relationships & friendships, magnifying your financial wealth, magifying your neighborhood & surrounding area, supercharging your food and beverages & enhancing your pet’s health and happiness etc.
Lightwave Personality Cloning is a fun energetic Lightwave technique that you can use to duplicate and infuse within yourself, any positive or dynamic personality traits of individuals who you admire. This technique will allow you embody and exhibit a variety of personality traits that were not originally part of your original soul matrix, but will be accessible through this unique process.
Sunday, Session 1: "Live" Session with Bryan + Special Lightwave Classes All Access! - 9:00 - 11:00 AM
In this session, Bryan will talk about all the amazing and unique advanced Lightwave processes listed below, answer all of your training questions and give some of his unique Lightwave accelerator combinations that will give you a boost of energy and a BIG upgrade!
Color Spectrum Therapy - Lightwave DNA Infusions - Teleportation - Etheric Temple Building - Akashic Record Blueprinting - Psychic Projection/Psy-Ops Techniques - Lightwave Performance Channel - Lightwave Restoration Spell - Gene-Editing - Unified Chakra Field Process
These advanced training sessions will be available to you 24-Hours a day at-your-convenience from 11:00 AM Sunday, August 30 to 6:00 PM Friday, September 4. You may take these training sessions whenever you like (and as many times as you like) during those 6 days. The unlimited access sessions (which includes a beautiful follow-along web page) will allow you to assimilate the information at your own pace and time.
Color Spectrum Therapy The new Lightwave 'Color Spectrum' Therapy process combines very specific hues of color within our expanded spectrum of light to create positive and powerful changes to the human body, mind and energy field. This technique has been developed by the Pleiadians, who have recently identified very specific hues of color for healing the various human organs and body systems.
The New Galactic DNA Infusions will recode your genetic strands to create the new Galactic Superhuman Blueprint! This series of Lightwave frequency codes will speed up the DNA reassembling process, increasing your Avatar abilities, advancing your consciousness more rapidly and allowing your body to youthen and heal much more quickly. These infusions will also enhance your long term memory and increase your mental capacity to hold complex levels of information and data coming in from the galactic realms.
Body Re-Shaping with the Lightwave technique was designed to energetically re-structure and enhance all areas of the physical body. This process will assist in renewing problem areas of your body, restore your personal confidence and help you look more youthful and vibrant. Truly, you can upgrade any areas of the body that you desire to establish a more physically attractive overall look, a leaner body appearance and a more defined physique.
Lightwave Teleportation will enable you to create an etheric transportation pod with Lightwave energy. The purpose of this technique is to expand your multidimensional perception, enhance your energy skills and psychic abilities. Additionally, it creates great meditation focus and is an exercise that upgrades your consciousness exponentially. In short, this will allow you to travel freely travel wherever you want in the universe without leaving home! Enjoy!
Etheric Temple Building is a process will allow you to create invisible power structures with Lightwave energy. The structures which can vary in shape and size help to anchor the higher cities to light from the etheric realms and to create healing, peace and energy movement in locations that need assistance.
The Akashic Record Blueprinting Process will assist in targeting specific areas within you or your client’s internal blueprint. It will reveal to you exactly where the most challenging issue(s) are located within the individuals body matrix. Additionally, an individual may be dealing with recurring problems or they may just need a boost of energy in a particular area, such as psychic abilities, creative flow or manifestation powers. Whatever the case, the Akashic Blueprinting process allows you to open windows in the consciousness and work multidimensionally to clear, strengthen, empower and enlighten.
The Psychic Lightwave Projection Technique will give you the ability to send Lightwave energy when you are in a public place without being noticed. This technique utilizes a special Psychic Projection Symbol that will allow you to send beams of light and energy from these areas of your body. Additionally, the PSY-OP’S Covert Investigation tool allows you psychically send your consciousness to other locations & other dimensions around the planet to retrieve information and to make sensitive adjustments to the world matrix. This covert assistance operation session will help solve unusual problems around our planet and beyond into the outer reaches of space.
The Lightwave Restoration Spell will introduce a stunning collection of high energy activators that will instantaneously awaken and launch the body into an unprecedented youthening process. These multicolored, beautifully complex, visual matrixes will enter the body through your eyes & inner spiritual vision and begin to trigger all your cells to manifest a more youthened appearance. This Lightwave upgrade will begin to erase the signs of time and challenge from your energy field and cellular structure….allowing you and the world around you to see and experience a more vibrant you! The Master Matrixes and information accompanying this session has been channeled with the collaboration of the Ashtar command and the Ascended Masters. This upgrade will be a real game changer and everything you have been looking for!
The Lightwave Performance Channel...imagine yourself radiating a luminous spiritual “Magical Presence” and channeling higher streams of consciousness in a recording studio, practicing martial arts, acting in a play on stage, dancing in an exercise class or simply hanging out at home channeling music with your guitar. This new Lightwave ‘energy channel’ will enhance your active five senses, your mind and body movements to a new level of mastery, allowing you to instantly channel the higher streams of energy into all activities you are engaged in. This includes tonal voice magnification for singing, acting and all manner of vocal applications. This also includes expanding your capabilities in the areas of meditation, jogging, cycling, swimming, skiing, golf or any of your personal creative or sports activities. Come join the Ashtar Command and learn how to activate this gift within yourself, bringing a new excitement and energy to everything you do!
Gene Editingwith Lightwave energy is a highly advanced etheric technique that has been modified and downloaded to us from the Ashtar Command, to assist the human body to recalibrate, repair and renew any damaged or genetic issues. This editing template is a positive technology that will help you beat your genetic inheritance, to create better health and prevent disease in the body, mind and emotions. This editing template is a very magical way you can restore your DNA and bring your life back into it’s original divine perfection. This class includes the beautiful Gene-Editing Template accelerator!
The Unified Chakra Field Process unites and super-charges all of your primary & secondary energy centers! These energy chakras are important for maintaining your health, your energy levels, your spiritual power and your ability to manifest and attract what you want and desire. This easy process will enhance your energy channels, youthen your body and open you to new levels of spiritual awareness. This will also connect and activate all the chakras and generate a strong auric field of light around your body.
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