Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Light Waves Heavenletters Via Gloria Wendroff

Light Waves
Via Gloria Wendroff

God said:

All waves are light. Waves are pictures of light moving. Your brain waves are light moving. Waves move. The crests of them rise and seemingly pause a split second until they continue themselves. Undulating waves of light. Your thoughts are light.

Electricity is light. Sound is light. Sight is light. Touch is a signal of light. Density is light. Light makes light. Rub together two sticks of light seen as wood, and you have light. Fire is light. And you are light.

You are an extension of My light. That means you are a wand of My light. You wave My light around on earth. Wave My light high. Expand the arc of My light that you wave.

If all is light, then you are light. That thought lifts your heart for a moment, yet you often still consider your life and yourself weights on earth. But light weighs nothing. And you cannot be weighed down except in your thoughts.

No matter how heavy your thoughts, they weigh nothing.

Waves like to be loose. They do not like tightness. They require freedom to move in the flow of themselves. Let your waves be full. Let them rise high and go far. Let them be long.+++

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