Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Let's All Receive & Extend the Creator's Infinite Blessings ! By Steven Hutchinson

Let's All Receive & Extend the Creator's Infinite Blessings & Source & Overlighting Energies For Mother Earth & Our Own Divine Healing & Ascension ! By Steven Hutchinson  

The Creator's Overlighting and Source Energies are streaming into our planet now more powerfully than ever before, bringing us the Creator's Infinite Blessings & Energies needed for the healing and ascension of every human being as well as our Mother Earth.

I encourage everyone who feels inspired to help extend the Creator's Infinite Blessings & Divine Source and Overlighting Energies which helps you and Mother Earth and all the Divine Beings of Mother Earth with Divine Healing, Ascension, and receiving the Creator's Infinite Blessings that are Divinely Perfect for each Being.

The invocations also help you ground, embody, and use in your daily life what you are affirming and extending...

So affirm at the beginning: "I Am my Divine Self, Co-Creating with the Creator my own healing and ascension, as well as the healing and ascension of Gaia & all of Her Beings."

"I call for the  call forth the Infinite Blessings & Divine Energies of All of the Divine Beings helping with mankind's ascension & healing, and I call forth the Creator's Infinite Blessings & Source and Overlighting Energies for manifesting the Creator's Infinite and Divinely Perfect Blessings for the healing and ascension for myself, as well as for every human being and all of Mother Earth."

And take a few moments with each calling to dwell in it's Divine Energies...then affirm you are grounding the Divine Energies in your Earth Star Chakra, and you are embodying and using the Divine Blessings & Energies in your daily lives.

And we always thank Mother/Father/God, and our Divine Self and all the beautiful beings from on high that are helping manifest everything we have affirmed or better, for the highest good of all.

And So It Is !!!

So Dive In & Enjoy all of these below:


Invocations for Divine Healing, Ascension, & Divine Blessings:

First connect with your Divine Self & 'I Am Presence' and to your intentions for each invocation or calling, and breathing deeply - with every inhalation, consciously breathe into your Whole Being the Creator's Source & Overlighting Energies that manifest what you are invoking - then exhale the Divine Energies into manifestation for yourself and every human being and Gaia and all the beings of Gaia. Do the deep breathing for each of the following callings, taking a few moments with each calling to dwell in the Divine Energies and ground them into your Earth Star Chakra:

I call forth Infinite Blessings of the Creator with the highest aspects of the Violet Flames that are eternally in action in and through me and all of Gaia and all her beings, healing, transfiguring and transmuting all discordant & misqualified energies in all Beings back into the Pure Light of God in every moment & raising everyone vibrations !
I call forth Infinite Blessings and Overlighting & Source Energies of the highest aspects of Christ Light & The Creator's Love that awakens & expands my awareness & experiences of the highest aspects & dimensions of God's Presence & Love within me, and helps me ground & embody & use in my daily life these Divine Experiences. I Am experiencing & perceiving the highest aspects & Dimensions of the Creator's Presence within me... & Divine Oneness with the highest aspects of the Creator's Presence in every person I look at...and Divine Oneness with the highest aspects of all Beings on Gaia in all dimensions...and Divine Oneness with the highest aspects of the Creator's Presence within all dimensions of Creation.
I call forth Infinite Blessings & Overlighting & Source Energies with the highest aspects of the Creator's Crystalline Rainbow Light from Source that awakens & expands my awareness & experiences of the highest aspects & dimensions of Enlightenment...and of the highest aspects & dimensions of Unity Consciousness...and the highest aspects & dimensions of Wisdom...and of the highest aspects & dimensions of the Creator's Love...and the highest aspects & dimension of Healing...and of the highest aspects & dimensions of Peace...and of the highest aspects & dimensions of Joy, & the highest aspects & dimensions of Abundance, and helps me ground & embody and use in my daily life all of these Divine Experiences.
And as I ground and embody all of these Divine Experiences, I Am also sending the Divine Energies I am feeling with each calling to every human being and Gaia, which helps to manifest my own healing and ascension, as well as the healing & ascension of Gaia & all of her Beings.
Thank You Mother/Father/God for manifesting everything being called forth, or better, and Your Infinite and Divinely Blessings for Gaia and all of her Divine Beings, including every human being. And So It Manifests for All Beings !
Beloved I Am Presence! Beloved I Am Presence!
Beloved I Am Presence That I Am !
Video - "Solstice Gateway Lyran Frequency - Our Turning Point"


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