Learn to feel negative energy within yourself
Intuitive Energy Course
Lesson 20 by Athena
Through Sharon Stewart
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/07/learn-to-feel-negative-energy-within.htmlHint: You have a headache.
Hint: You have a kink in your neck. You didn't sleep right.
Hint: Your toe hurts.
Hint: Your back hurts.
Well, there it is! Try to transmute this energy at a higher level by going to the area that's involved or going to the chakra that serves that area. If you have a headache, then perhaps the problem is in your head however be careful of referred pain. This type of pain uses the channels of chi in order to send pain to other areas of the body.
Try to feel the pain at a higher level, such as the etheric level. Yes, this is an advanced task and some of you may not be able to. But the point I'm trying to make here is that if you can feel pain at a higher level, then you can stop it from creating illness down at this level.
How do you think pain would feel at a higher level?
Me: Like a disregulation of energy maybe...+
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