The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
the disney bloodline
LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH OF WHAT WALT DISNEY IS REALLY ABOUT The problem with people who are spiritually blind is they think they can see. PERSONAL DETAILS Most of the bloodlines of the elite are kept hidden, such as Hitler’s connections with the Rothchilds, Bush’s connection to Crowley as well as Walt Disney and the Dark Prince. “Uncle” Walt was an illegitimate child that grew up in an abusing home, much like Hitler’s mother and the Rothchilds. See ALEISTER CROWLEY AND THE BUSH CONNECTION. Walt’s probable mother, Isabelle, was brought to work at the Disney home as a maid in 1905. Disney became an FBI asset through 33rd degree Freemason and sexual cross dressing pervert, J. Edgar Hoover. Disneyland and Disney World have both been reported as being used in “Princess Programing” to create high level sex slaves like Britney Spears. (ABOVE LEFT) Disneyland has underground tunnels and underground entrances that even most employees don’t know about. One victim of total mind-control mentioned that a tunnel entrance was at Matterhorn mountain. (The Matterhorn was opened by Walt and his good-friend Richard Nixon, who rode in the first car down the mountain.) Disney productions has given the Illuminati the cover to bring together Illusionists, magicians, and special effects artists without anyone being suspicious. Walt Disney, Inc. has teamed up with Los Alamos and Sandia Labs, two other groups which are heavily involved in mind-control and people control to develop body scans, branding and access codes for the visitors to Disney’s theme parks. Each of the Disney theme parks, such as Disneyland, Disney World and EuroDisney have vast underground facilities. Each theme facility also has a vast infrastructure underground in order to maintain it. The underground areas contain wardrobe design and repair units, fitting rooms, restrooms, cafeterias, security units, computers, freight ramps, utility encasements, and large connecting tunnels. The underground areas also have human programming rooms. They have their own power plants and water systems and their own police force. Disney company employs 71,000 people at several locations. People are coming and going 24 hours at the Disney theme parks. OCCULT PORN KING — VERY BIG SNIP TO MUCH MORE INFO |
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From their vantage point, which is shrouded by secrecy, they are able to plan, scheme, and choreograph the events of the world. In other words, things don’t just happen to happen. They happen because someone wants them to happen and has the power to make them happen. It is spiritual wickedness in high places according to Ephesians 6:12. Thus, the major events of history happened by design and manipulation. This includes every major war and revolution. One of these high-ranking Illuminists openly admitted to all of this. The late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt brazenly stated, “….if it happened, you can bet that we planned it that way.” Opium, codeine, Morphine, Heroine, Darvocet, Percocet, Oxycontin, Demerol, Vicodin, to name a few, are all derived from the sedative plant the Opium Poppy. Let’s read on…. Snow White is a movie that indiscreetly makes reference to the drug white gold. For one, her name is Snow White, the color of cocaine. Snow White has black hair…so where does the term “Snow White” come from? She doesn’t wear the color white. Cocaine is referred to as “Snow White” or “White Snow” or “Snow” in the drug culture. It is an allegory that is used by Disney to promote the underground drug culture and mind control. For more on Disney click here: BRITNEY SPEARS, PARIS HILTON AND MADONNA: THEIR REAL AGENDA and here: THE PERVERTED WALT DISNEY EMPIRE This right here is a dead giveaway! The names of the dwarfs are named after the symptoms of cocaine usage! People that are addicted to cocaine speak of the drug as almost a sexual relationship….SNOW WHITE? It also looks like they work in a diamond mine, but those are no ordinary diamonds, they are crack diamonds, which they process into their drug of cocaine. All of them are guilty of the crime of being a drug reference. The “Doc” is the one who enables them with their “drug of choice” and fixes them when the user tears up their nose. Let’s look at them in the order that they were intended: Hummmm, Snow White and the seven dwarfs…..What does it REALLY mean? It should be obvious by now.. The risks users take: Tremors, muscle twitching, craving can turn cocaine into an expensive habit. Damaged nose membranes and nose bleeds. Damaged veins, HIV & Hepatitis (if it’s injected), Heart attack and death if a large amount is taken, also expect accidents due to slowed reactions. Mixing cocaine with other drugs such as heroin (a speedball) is particularly dangerous. That’s how Saturday night live comic John Belushi died. SNIP-Be certain to see article for pictures that are referenced |
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