Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


They are calling these probes LCROSS: I was listrening to the Reverse speech from Ken Welch talking about how the Astronauts, Aldrin and Armstrong revealed about a group called LUMEN, or Lumenata that were stationed on the moon. It was stated that this could refer to LU MEN or LUNAR MEN. Welch discusses the possibility that we were at war back in the 60's with this group that was already on the moon, and evidently had superior power. Thus according to this Welch, we lost the war, and were forced to be quarantined on Earth, not being able to enter another planet or satellite.

Interesting theory, because why is NASA using the term, "going to crash the moon" at a specific site? This sounds like attack language... And the probes they are using are called LCROSS, does this mean something tantamount to Double Cross? Is NASA going to double Cross L, or double Cross the Lumen... Or is cross a term meaning angry, being very cross with...

If we were sent to Earth to stay based on some sort of peace treaty, is this a final attack to gain predominance over this other group. Are these probes loaded with Nuclear weapons. And as Raye says, if this group is still there, they can surely eliminate any threat we might give, right?

So why is this occurring now? What are they really doing. They aint lookin' for water, that is nonsense. And as for minerals, this is a very odd way to expose minerals, because for some reason they already believe it is rich with these minerals. No they are blowing up something...

So what are they doing with these probes. Did we create a weapon that NASA now believes is superior to the inhabitant's weapons. I surely don't know about any of this, but I find the timing of it all suspicious at best, and illuminating to say the least.

If that is the case, this sounds more like desperation, if this story is true, that there are advanced beings that operate at least one base on the moon. If we think we can now defeat them, then it almost sounds like a last stitch effort to fulfill the conquest. It sounds to me like mad men ready to go down in flames.

I don't know what to think about it, but I find it all interesting, and I do not believe the story NASA is putting out about it. And if they are going to televise this in some form then you can bet the real attack on the moon will be held somewhere else while we are watching something else.


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Comment by RL on October 9, 2009 at 11:06am
BTW, we had chemtrails here today. Its been a loooong time since they sprayed any of that stuff
Comment by RL on October 9, 2009 at 10:52am
perhaps they sent something to the moon, not bomb it?
Comment by Besimi on October 9, 2009 at 10:46am
...........based on these news,and peoples observations ,they didn't even bomb nothing. Was failure.

''WASHINGTON — Take that, moon!

NASA smacked two spacecraft into the lunar south pole Friday morning in a search for hidden ice. Instruments confirm that a large empty rocket hull barreled into the moon at 7:31 a.m., followed four minutes later by a probe with cameras taking pictures of the first crash.

But the big live public splash people anticipated didn't quite happen. Screens got fuzz and no immediate pictures of the crash or the six-mile plume of lunar dust that the mission was all about. The public, which followed the crashes on the Internet and at observatories, seemed puzzled.

NASA officials said their instruments were working, but live photos of the actual crash were missing. Some select photos should be ready by a 10 a.m. press conference, they said.''
But so far all NASA had was ''images on the way in" said Nasa spoksman Grey Hautaluoma
Comment by JIM4HOPE on October 9, 2009 at 2:39am
It may be a good time for them to use that project blue beam to make us think were being attacked by aliens from the moon what ever it is that they alow the public to see will most likely be and illusion and the real deal will probaly be opposite of what is being reported .T hey are masters at telling lies and decepctions

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