Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Law of Action Part 2 Decisions are made! Yeshua (Isa/Jesus/Sananda) Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

Law of Action
Part 2
Decisions are made!
Yeshua (Isa/Jesus/Sananda)
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

JJK: So now a great decision has been made and it seems that everything is different than before when there was always talk about the intervention of the heavenly powers. Mankind has claimed the “law of action”?

JESUS SANANDA: Yes, that is how it is Jahn. In the past years, it was a matter of preparing people for these “end times”, for the struggles, for the decisions that had to be made in the course of this change. This phase has basically been completed and many people have made clear decisions.

Light and dark decisions. Which master to serve in the future? That had to be decided and that has happened.

The people who decided for the light and for the fact that they want to serve the change of the earth into the light unconditionally, have at the same time attained a degree of consciousness which led them to self-empowerment and thus this decision to renew this society predominantly by “human hand” was made.

A decision of “master quality”, because now people dare to do for themselves what until now was transferred to the invisible beings from the light, the galactic federation of light and the heavenly warriors of many worlds.

Transferred by God, the Creator and by the people, because they simply did not and could not free themselves from this darkness. Victimhood has been dissolved for those who have taken responsibility for this earth, for those who have committed themselves to the process of upliftment and the process of dissolving the dark and eliminating the dark.+++

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