Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Lauren Gorgo 10-26-11…”11-11-11: Source Code Activation”…”This time in your life is one that will astound you”

This is quite a major article by Lauren. There are several points that I could make here. Yet I sense it is for each to “get” their own points from this. The one piece which did hit strongly is this:

“We are soon to experience life as multidimensional beings, which the PHC say is one of exquisite undertaking…a way of living life through the perception of simultaneous realization & with the ability to focus through the incorporation of many dimensions of awareness…at once.

This is something that has projected itself into my own consciousness throughout the past two years. We are multidimensional beings. Many are conscious of that, and realize that what is “occurring”, so to speak, is “occurring” on many levels, all at once. That’s why it is often impossible to pinpoint what is causing what, who is doing what, when those things are being done, and so on. Both without, and within.

One more point that came up just now. The 13 crystal skulls leave New York on 10-27-11. There are 13 days between the 10-28-11 and the 11-11-11. That is somehow significant.

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“The moment that each of you have been waiting for, the moment that we have termed “inception” is approaching. This is heralded by the massive energies precipitated by the opening of the 11:11 stargate portal on 11/11/11. What this means for the way-showers is monumental, for it is this group who will be physically laying the template on earth for all other inhabitants to follow.” -PHC [Pleiadian High Council]


  • …we are…on the cusp of the long-awaited completion of the Mayan Calendar, the ancient and accurate “time”-keeper of 16.4 billion years of evolutionary consciousness.
  • …the Pleiadians say it will take about 2 weeks to integrate more clarity about what this means for those way-showers who are about to step fully into their divine roles and purposes in the “active duty” phase
  • One thing we already know…well, two things: 1) our physical bodies still haven’t caught wind that we need them now to move into position…and 2) the energy of what’s to come is pulsating so vibrantly that we can literally feel our supports about to birth thru the veil.
  • We, like you, can feel the pulsing energies of convergence building around your sphere and we are just so delighted at what each of you, the new earth guardians, are about to experience in yourselves, and witness in each other.” -PHC
  • …we are still needing to nurture ourselves and to remain centered in our heart-space while we continue to allow the full birth of our multidimensional selves to take form.
  • …on 9/10/11, our bio-circuitry was apparently rebooted.
  • …now that we have been upgraded & rebooted we are reorienting ourselves aaaagain and that always means the usual cellular changes (read: fatigue), most of which this time relates to our newly downloaded programming
  • The emanations sent forth by the great central sun are encoding our biology with new mandates, new directives and the Pleiadian High Council would like for us to know that the new human apparatus is well-equipped to handle these changes…
  • …we don’t have to suffer thru these changes alone… help is available should you need it. The PHC say that there are many people here specifically to support us thru these changing times
  • The physical body needs care and nurturing as it is being resurrected into a body of light…
  • …the 11:11 will bring in some robust energies that, depending on where we are on our journey, will either catapult us to freedom, or bring up a new layer of goo….or both.
  • …we are no longer bound by the emotional strings of attachment to others, to places, or to events that once defined or confined us. We are now able and ready to live our lives according to the principle of the ONE.
  • We are becoming self-contained, self-responsible beings of mastery and those emotional entanglements which have been projected onto us by others are now VERY clear, which means they can be severed.
  • We are soon to experience life as multidimensional beings, which the PHC say is one of exquisite undertaking…a way of living life through the perception of simultaneous realization & with the ability to focus through the incorporation of many dimensions of awareness…at once.
  • For those who are called into guardianship, stewardship or leadership roles, the 11-11-11 gateway is offering us the ability to not only anchor into multidimensionality, but to open the doorway to the christed heart within…
  • The new field matrix that has been set up by the dedicated light-weavers on this planet is pulsing at its portals with unprecedented potential for change, but access to these portals can only be activated by those with the “keys to the universe”.

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Comment by Trudy on October 27, 2011 at 6:15am

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