Jupiter and Neptune Are Joining in Pisces for the First Time in 150+ Years; Here’s What That Means for Your Sign.
By Erica Sloan
Posted on April 9, 2022
Wherever Jupiter goes, luck often follows, as this massive planet, nicknamed the Great Benefic, is all about expanding horizons and exploring potential. Pair that energy with the dreamy, spiritual realm of Neptune, and the result is a cosmic cornucopia of good vibes. That’s what you can expect on April 12, during the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, when these planets sync at the exact same degree of Pisces—a sign in which they’re both in their “domicile,” or “well-resourced and able to function to the best of their abilities,” says astrologer Cristina Farella.
Orbiting in the outer reaches of our solar system, these two slow-moving planets only meet up in the same sign every 13 years before moving into the next. So, if you do the math, it takes them about 156 years (or 12×13) to move through the full zodiac wheel’s worth of meet-ups. “2022 marks the last time in our lifetimes that these two spiritual juggernauts will meet up in the sign that they co-rule,” says astrologer Maria Sofia Marmanides. And this is particularly significant, given the joining of Pisces’ traditional ruler (Jupiter) and modern-day ruler (Neptune) in the sign of Pisces, too; the resulting vibe is basically dreamy Pisces energy on overdrive.
As for what that mystic synergy may bring? The line between dreams and reality could feel blurrier than usual, whether literally or metaphorically, says Farella: “As we dissolve that boundary, we can invite more enchantment, more tenderness, and more beauty into our worlds.” On a collective level, that could also result in a surge of creative expression across art forms like music, movies, and books. “We can expect to see an emphasis on fantasy or science fiction, and perhaps even a renaissance of artistic spirituality,” says Marmanides.
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