June 2022 Ascension Energies Update
By Samantha Orthlieb
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/06/june-2022-ascension-energies.htmlAwakened Soul,
Discovering our sense of self worth and self truth is an onion-like process. Every time we work through a shadowlayer, we peel and expose another that is deeper, rawer, visceral and more palpable. However, there is profound clarity that comes through if we recognize, excavate and transform/transmute each layer.
In this process we find the gold and grieve our losses; the times we did not stand in our power, love ourselves enough nor speak our truth. Or when we allowed others to cross our boundaries and made ourselves small to accommodate others.
But as we recognize this we shed a coat that is too small and no longer fits. Each time this happens we weave a new garment, put it on and spiral up to another level of ascension. We then hit the reset button to begin anew, having found more self love and inner balance.
June’s Ascension energies bring us in alignment with this state of being. We are now adjusting to being whole and in Sacred Union. Our new Oneness garment is on and we are adjusting to the perfectly tailored fit. We are unique and sovereign. We are now able to feel and express ourselves more in alignment with our True Self. Our boundaries are healthier so that we can discern and make choices that integrate with our sense of self truth.+++
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