Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

July 4th Message from Christ Sananda Through Latoya Evans Gans Sananda's Message

July 4th Message from Christ
Through Latoya Evans Gans
Sananda's Message

This is an Independence Day unlike any other, for what we are really doing is going home. As a person, as a nation, as a country and as a world. We are going in... in and from within we take our cues and commands; no longer being outwardly directed by feeble minded men and women with agendas. But moved with and move toward love and those directed by the heart, meeting God in his abode. For the Kingdom of God truly is within. And this is what we find this Independence Day. That what we had been looking for this whole time, was right where we stood this whole time. It wasn't out there. But in here. In us all true Independence. Where we depend on that which is within and not only that which stands without. Now we know not to budge, not to let anyone push and herd us away from what will always be true. You were made independent. Born of truth, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Born to lead and not be lead. You are the wisdom, and might that back the word of God and your legacy is your testimony to the amount to love you have for yourself and others for that and that alone is what is counted when the souls return home. Everything else remains on earth. Everything. For your love and sharing of truths that were not easy to...+

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