Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Journey of Forgiveness By Hilarion Through Vania Rodriguez

Journey of Forgiveness
By Hilarion
Through Vania Rodriguez

Dear Brothers of the planet Earth! I am Hilarion!

Once again I am here participating in this Journey of Forgiveness. As always I will repeat what I have already said, the Green Ray comes to heal, to heal, to heal, to fill, all the spaces that were torn out of your soul as blockages. Everything that is cleansed from your Souls leaves an empty space, because there was a low vibration energy there, a dense energy, an energy of pain, of suffering, of evil, it doesn’t matter; a low vibration energy, which we usually call a blockage. When this energy is cleared it is as if a big hole is left and the function of the Green Ray is exactly to recover, regenerate, heal, heal, heal, that space, bringing a new vibration, an energy of Light to that place.

It’s interesting, the way each one of you receives what we do. When we say that you need to see, you need to participate, you need to interact, and it doesn’t happen, you get desperate, you want to solve it, you take even strange attitudes, contesting what is said. We come to this point, where we ask for nothing, and there are always those who think: “Nothing is happening. I’m not seeing anything. What is being done?”

Effectively, trying to understand your mind is something extremely complex. The human being, by his free will, has learned to contest everything, has learned not to believe in anything that is not in front of him. If you don’t see, if you don’t hear, if you don’t feel, it doesn’t exist. Nothing is there. It is really a counterpoint, an interesting contestation that you make, but I can say that we are not worried about your reactions.

We are doing our work. Souls are being liberated. Souls are being taken off the planet. Souls are learning to love again. Souls are evolving. And this is our role. This is part of the work that we are doing with you. So we don’t care what you think or don’t think. Now, let me be very clear, I will repeat what has been said here: With every contestation, with every non-belief, everything is over, everything is gone; it is as if you with one thought destroyed the whole path you have taken. Because you doubted, you didn’t believe, you contested.

So why go on? Stop, and go on your way contesting everything that is in front of you. You have your free will. Make use of it, but I warn you: Don’t go on, because you won’t bring anything good to yourself. You won’t bring anything bad, because we don’t hurt anyone, we don’t punish anyone; now you won’t bring anything good. You will not be helping yourself or any soul, because if...+

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