The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
July 9, 2016 by John Smallman
We are All One! That is easy to say but very difficult for you to accept and understand because in your illusory world all seem separate. Your modern physicists have finally discovered and accepted that absolutely everything is connected to everything else that you can see in the observable universe. And yet in your daily lives you live constantly with an intensely strong sense of separation because you are surrounded by individual impenetrable or non-integrated forms, forms that resist coalescence, unlike the air that you breathe and the water that you drink that easily and constantly flow and intermix. Sometimes in powerfully loving relationships there is a strong sense of oneness, but nevertheless you still occupy individual bodies. It is indeed very confusing.
Here in the spiritual realms, from which you truly are not separated, we mingle and mix with one another easily to exchange ideas or to share our love for each other, and when we choose to differentiate ourselves for whatever reason we just flow apart. But we are never separated from each other, our eternal state is at One with God, the Supreme Creator in Whom all exist, and, therefore, with each other. You have all chosen to experience separation, and until you change that choice, that is what you will experience.
Why would you continue to choose separation when it leaves you feeling alone, abandoned, and without love? It is because the illusion has become so real for you, a place in which billions of individuals appear to be constantly struggling for physical survival and because you identify utterly and completely with your bodies which always seem to be under some kind of physical or emotional threat. But bodies are just vehicles of limitation that you built and have chosen to occupy. You can choose to remove those limitations and experience a sense of vastness, of completeness, and of Oneness with All That Exists. But you have become so accustomed to limitations that you fear to live without them.
Your whole way of human life is based on a very powerful belief in limitation!
However, by going within to your quiet and holy inner sanctuary you can experience the vastness that is God, Creation, Love, and, therefore, You! To do so you need surrender to the divine flame of Love burning constantly within you, to let go of your beliefs, whatever they may be because they are very effective illusory distractions, and open your hearts so that the Love within can embrace you and demonstrate to you that you are as vast as all of Creation, as vast as God, and eternally embraced by the Love that is Reality. To fully experience that state would instantly destroy your physical form, your human body, because the energy of that state is infinitely powerful. Nevertheless you can experience a sense of that divine state, your natural state, that will permanently banish all your doubts about your Oneness with God.
You are on Earth to go through the awakening process and to assist others to do so. To awaken is a choice that only you can make, and in truth all living entities have already made the choice to do so, but you have not yet chosen when to do so. That choice of timing can, naturally, only be made in the eternal now moment, and when that happens you will awaken. Presently, those of you reading or listening to this message know this, but you are patiently biding your time as you assist others to make that same choice. You may feel that you have no choice, that you are waiting for some future divine event to wake you up, but in truth you always have the freedom to choose, and the moment of that choosing is drawing ever closer.
It is a confusing paradox to be experiencing life as a human within the space/time envelope while at the same time knowing that space and time are unreal. That is why it is essential that you go within daily to connect with the Love that resides there. That safe inner sanctuary is the doorway through which you enter Reality, the divine realms in which utter joy is eternally experienced.
Often, when you go within, your mind fills with distracting thoughts – all the shoulds, anxieties, and “must dos” that daily life as a human seems to demand of you. This is merely your egos attempting to draw you out from that place of divine peace and back into the illusion. Just acknowledge those ego thoughts, acknowledge that they are distracting you from your place of peace, but do not engage with them. If you do get drawn in, as often happens, when you realize this just intend to return to that place of inner peace without any judgment of the fact that you were distracted. Distractions are an essential aspect of the illusion that you built and initially it is difficult to disassociate yourselves from them for more than a few moments.
Reciting mantras, focusing on a candle or on your breath, or playing quiet music intended to assist you get into a meditative state can be helpful. But everyone of you are different and respond differently to the various methods that can assist you to reach inner peace in meditation, and of course there is no requirement that insists that you use a prescribed method for meditation. Do what feels right and comfortable for you, and practice that for a few weeks to give yourselves time to adjust to your new routine. Changing routines in an effort to find one that works better for you can be self-defeating, as it may well be your ego’s attempts to keep you distracted. Relax, allow, and as thoughts or distractions arise do not engage with them. However, when you do and become aware, just set the intent to return to quietness, and realize that there is no such thing as failure.
Meditation is a practice to enable you to connect with your true Self, the Self that is One with God. Concert pianists spend long periods of time daily practicing to maintain their professional competence, so do not be surprised at the amount of practice that you have to put into meditation to find the peace and stillness that you seek. Do not judge yourselves as successful or unsuccessful and do not seek to see yourselves making progress because that is just further distraction. Just set a regular time and place for your practice, and when the time you have allowed is over go back to your daily living. If you maintain your practice without expectations you will find peace and contentment.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
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