Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

January 2023 Energy Report
By Jennifer Hoffman

Well here we are in the second week of January and things are moving right along. Have you noticed how much is happening in the world right now? Everywhere you turn there is another level of 3D dis-integration and chaos and that is exactly what is supposed to be happening with ascension. It has been happening for decades, it is just moving forward a lot faster now.

This is an exciting and eventful week as we have Mars finally going direct after being retrograde since October 30, we have had dozens of solar flares, and a Friday the 13th, one of two we’ll have this year. So all of that pent up energy that has been swirling around for months now has an outlet. And with Jupiter in Aries while Mars is in Gemini we are going to be watching a rise for the righteous and the fall for those who call the density their preferred hangout. It’s going to be intense, exciting, and a little bit of a bumpy ride....+

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