Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

James Gilliland: The Collapsing Empire & ET

March 11, 2012


We begin the interview talking about disinformation in the UFO community.

James discusses our multidimensional nature and says we can access unity consciousness as well as other beings within the unified field. We’ll talk about the current tyrannical empire, warring for our consciousness. This war is creating two worlds, two systems.

James explains how an implosion in inevitable for those who choose not to evolve into a higher state.

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Comment by RichardtheRaelian on March 17, 2012 at 7:19am

It was truely a great radio interview for the first hour.However it would've been better if the second hour was posted and downloadable to windows media just like the first hour was.

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