Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It's time for you to apply all that knowledge you've gleaned over the years and stop just dreaming

I learned a long time ago that once I have done all I can do it’s time to let go and let GOD and the saying goes.
I really do enjoy helping people be well and successful and do all I can to be of service. I write, do podcasts, a radio show, ebooks, classes.. I hold each person in the light each and every day that you will feel the tug of Spirit and move into the expression of your highest self.
I love teaching and helping, I’ve done it since I was a little girl. It thrills me to be of service to another and help them along their path.
Through coaching and healing I have had the joy of people experiencing healing of body, mind and spirit. That’s so incredible. It keeps me so delighted with how wonderful we are.. so powerful.. and more often than not.. so ignorant to that wonder and power.
That’s where I come in.. I remind you of your wonder and power.. to be, have, do.. whatever you can imagine.
You have no idea of how many hours I am online and on the phone each week sharing with others the good news of their power to heal and create. I love it.. I really do.
Now it’s your turn. I want to ask you how many free things are on your computer that you haven’t read or listened to?
How many groups do you belong to and never visit and add energy to?
How many self help books are on your shelf either unread or not applied to your life?
I know the answer.. I’ve been there..
Years ago while reading yet another self help book I cried out to Spirit asking what now? What do I do? How do I change my life? How can I make it better?
I heard a little giggle.. and a voice that said, "Donna stop all your reading and just apply what you’ve already learned. ".
I remembered a verse in the Bible.. "ever learning and never coming to the understanding of the truth". That got my attention.. I began right then and there applying all the wonderful knowledge that I had gleaned over the years.. and you know what happened?????
That’s why I teach, coach and write.. I want you to understand that it’s time to APPLY what you’ve learned. Knowledge is not power.. it’s only potential power.. it must be applied.. become wisdom to have any power over you. If knowledge itself were power all the books in the world would take over..
It’s time for you to apply.. knowledge.. to BEcome all that you’ve dreamed, hoped for, wished for..
Start right now. Apply what you have read, heard and know … it will change your life.
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Comment by Manyfeather on September 9, 2009 at 2:34pm
Yes, we are waking up and changing our world.. it's so exciting..
Comment by DivineThoughts the Love Goddess on September 9, 2009 at 2:15pm
Great message thank you for sharing!!!! It seems several are getting the same messages and exact wisdoms at the same time... all in sync! I got the message too give to a friend too 9/8/09 who was reacting instead of DOING something different...applied knowledge is power were my exact words to her....she was going through the list of things she "knew" about her answers to her own problems.

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