Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It's not just communism, it is the Globalist New World Order!

Transformation of America ..More reason to get out of the left right set in your mind.
It's not just communism, it is the Globalist New World Order!

Agenda 21, One World Government
By Judi McLeod Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The clock ticking toward midnight in the well orchestrated Fall of America is Nancy Pelosi’s shining hour.

Rational people may ponder how Pelosi can urge Democrats to vote for ObamaCare even if it means the end of their careers.

Like Pelosi, many of her Dem cohorts including Senators Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein among others, are long past their due date. In ending their careers for ObamaCare they have nothing to lose. How many of them will live out the rest of their lives in fabulous wealth? Are Dems being paid off with funds stolen from the American till during the destructive Obama administration?

Pelosi was at her Marxist best when she told ABC’s Elizabeth Vargas that elements of the Tea Party movement shared common cause with Democrats: “We share some of the views of the Tea Partiers in terms of the role of special interest in Washington, D.C….It just has to stop.”

Special interests were never stopped but only aided and abetted on the Democrat’s watch.

Like a ravening wolf now that it looks like the sheep called America is at its most vulnerable, Pelosi bares long fangs.
While arrogant Obama will gladly take credit for it, Pelosi, more than any other member of Congress, paved the way for the takedown of America by the globalist-socialist elite fomenting for One World Order.

Not long after Barack Obama was Barry Soetero in red diapers, Pelosi as Useful Idiot Numero Uno was already setting the stage for America’s transformation to a Socialist State.

Pelosi’s hogging of today’s stage as ObamaCare shill covers a past freedom lovers should never forget. For it was Pelosi who carefully shepherded Agenda 21 through Congress, ultimately calling on and getting President Bill Clinton’s help after laying the initial groundwork.

Back on March 29, 1993 Pelosi introduced a joint resolution (H.J. RES166) to renew the call for the United States to “assume a strong leadership role in implementing Agenda 21 and other Summit agreements”, eventually gathering 67 co-sponsors for her bill. Thirty of those sponsors are still in Congress; co-sponsors Ted Kennedy and John Murtha no longer here.

Agenda 21 architects were were former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and Canadian UN Poster Boy Maurice Strong, among others. In layman’s terms Agenda 21 is a global sustainability document which, among many other things, helped set the stage for converting military installations around the world into globalist activity centers.

Few recall that Pelosi was an investor in a real estate investment entity called PRESIDIO PARTNERS. Presidio Partners Holdings included the Presidio property where Gorbachev would eventually set up shop. Working with Pelosi, the late John Murtha played a key role in working with U.S. Navy officials, Pelosi’s nephew and Presidio Parters to ultimately bring about Gorbachev’s tenancy at San Francisco’s Presidio.

“In a nutshell, the Presidio quickly took its place as a Globalist Utopia, free of US controls. The typical world citizen would be shocked to learn the real agenda of these master engineers and facilitators.” (Ken Raggio, From the Presidium to the Presidio).

“Pelosi cheered the arrival of Gorbachev to the Presidio as a tenant, in a speech before the House of Representatives on June 4, 1992, entitled “From Swords to Plowshares”. Pelosi and Murtha showed their true ideological colors in their energetic efforts to bring the world’s most influential Communist to American soil to establish his American base for promoting his Globalist-Socialist agenda.”

“In April of 1993, Mikhail S. Gorbachev became the first civilian tenant at the prestigious Presidio in San Francisco. In a dedication ceremony, the former Soviet president and his wife were given the keys to a Coast Guard officer’s house by a three-star American general, where they were to run the Gorbachev Foundation. The mission of the Foundation was to conduct research on global political and environmental issues.” (CanadaFreePress, 11/15/06).

“As many other times before and since, Pelosi and her unpatriotic cohorts brazenly utilize their positions in the US Congress to put forward the most reckless globalist-socialist agendas—not even authorized by any mandate of the American voting public. Her radical liberal, globalist, socialist projects are entirely extra-curricular to her official role as a U.S. Government official,” Raggio wrote.

In effect, Obama would have no role to turn American over to Socialism without the diligent work of Nancy Pelosi who could stand in for the EU’s Woman Riding the Beast.

While the not long ago red-diapered Obama drags his TelePrompter about, delivering speeches about how he is prepared to shove Obamacare down America’s throat, Pelosi worked diligently in the background doing all the dirty work to make it possible.

Some day historians will record a US traitor whose betrayal of America far surpassed that of Benedict Arnold.

This is a very simple animated version of Alex Jones's talk on the fraudulent left-right 2-party paradigm that we are all locked into. In the original version, Alex uses pen and paper to sketch out the 2-party paradigm. I was already aware of how the 2-party system is used to contain revolution in most "democratic" countries. But I was very impressed with the way that Alex sketched it out in simple, easy-to-understand terms. I therefore decided to spend an afternoon transferring his sketches into a 2D animation. It is very important for us all to realise that we are living under a simple but clever system that has been designed to contain revolution whilst projecting the illusion of being a free, fair and open democracy. The 2-party system provides firm support for the elite to implement their agenda from the top down, whilst the ordinary people at the grassroots level squabble between themselves over which political party is the best. In reality, it doesn't matter which of the two parties you vote for because the same agenda will unfold regardless. Hence, both parties are controlled at the very top by the same force.

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Comment by patrick on March 10, 2010 at 4:43am
Interesting post Jim, I think it articulates a growing awareness amongst Americans that their democracy was stolen while they were out shopping at the Mall.
If we survive the next few years (I think we will), it will be because the People have woken up to this theft of their rights and liberties.
There is a lot of talk here on SOE about 'standing in your own truth', 'finding and experiencing your human joy' and so forth, and while there is invaluable wisdom in these universial laws they do tend to focus on the individual rather than the collective.
There is another universial law that we all need reminding of. That is, that all real progress comes from below, and that means that ordinary people have to organise.
And this is what we are doing here, assisting eachother to better understand how our world is ruled, and to begin to organise. Thanks again brother.

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