It’s Time to Fly
Life Tapestry Creations
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman
for LifeTapestry,
Posted June 27, 2022
Dear Ones,
Even though you are likely frightened or angry by recent global events, those events are starting points for your emotional health.
In your outer-directed past, you expected someone to make your life better – the government, your company, friends, or relatives. And if you were among those without similar support systems you often elected to believe that God/the Universes would perform those functions. Relief was expected from someone outside yourself.
That last statement is not to deny those who have tenaciously moved through personal trauma, but instead to point out that such outer-directed beings were in the minority. In the outer-directed world, the concept of being dependent on your own resources seemed impossible.
Now that those of you reading this message are new inner-directed beings, you sometimes find it difficult to understand you are responsible for your earth life. Even though others may save you for various reasons, that will not help you adjust to your new inner-directed world. You are alone – and thankfully so.
When you depended on others, you needed to perform certain activities to assure their support. Those activities might have been as benign as friendship, as unpleasant as a job you despised, or as seemingly neutral as supporting a political party that performed some of your desired actions but never all...+
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