Saviors Of Earth

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Is the world clinically insane or is it just me? (a repost)

Is the world clinically insane or is it just me?

Saturday, 26 January 2013 11:28

This is a report at the Huffington Post and you see this all the time in newspapers worldwide:

'Sir Bradley Wiggins has belatedly unleashed anger at his former idol Lance Armstrong, labelling the cycling cheat a "lying b*****d".'

Now, what do you think he said? Lying so and so? Lying possum? Lying low? Lying in?

Well, being an adult with a modicum or even smear of intelligence and going so far as counting the * thingies between the b and d, it is my assessment after contemplating for, oh, the best part of 0.5 seconds, that Wiggins has called Armstrong a 'lying BASTARD'.

So what's with all the b*****d?

I'll tell you. It is the fake, fraudulent, hypocritical and self-deceiving morality that puts asterisks in words like b*****d and f**k while happily supporting wars that leave human beings, often children, with limbs and flesh scattered all across the street.

That's fine. It's 'fighting terrorism'. That's a moral and just war, isn't it? But quoting someone saying bastard or fuck has to be symbolically covered over, for symbolic is all it is, to preserve the illusion of fake nose-in-the-air morality. Newsrooms in which fuck, bastard and more are the common language must protect the mystique of morality by throwing in a few ******s.

You see it's okay in this self-deceiving 'moral code' to think bastard and fuck because what else goes through anyone's mind when they see b*****d and f**k except bastard and fuck?

But so long as you don't read bastard and fuck in full the moral high-ground is retained. They are, after all, 'responsible and principled' publications.

It is hilarious and pathetic and the moral version, in its own way, of saying that you are pepper-bombing cities of civilians to protect the lives of civilians.

We have a rather different moral code at

I find war, killing and violence of any kind grotesque and immoral and the programmed sensibilities of language rather less of a priority.

Call a b*****d a bastard and a f**k a fuck, I say. There, did anybody die, lose a limb or see their children blown to pieces?

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Is the world clinically insane or is it just me?

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