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Iran Captures Top CIA Terrorist In US Air Force Afghan Showdown

Iran Captures Top CIA Terrorist In US Air Force Afghan Showdown

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Russian GRU sources are reporting to President Medvedev today that the United States and Iran narrowly averted “all out war” after Iranian and US fighter jets exchanged fire over Afghanistan with the Americans “forced to withdrawal” and the Persians capturing one of the top Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) terrorists operating in the World today.

According to these reports, upon Iran being warned by Pakistani intelligence officials that the CIA backed Jundallah terrorist group leader Abdolmalek Rigi was on a flight leaving Afghanistan, President Ahmadinejad ordered the Iranian Air Force to “peruse, intercept and force to land” the plane Rigi was on.

Upon Iranian Air Force fighter jets intercepting the plane carrying Rigi, US fighter jets were put into the air to protect Rigi, but upon nearing Iranian air space, and having been fired on by Iranian Republican Guard ground-to-air missile batteries, the Americans “with sudden haste” broke off the fight and returned to their base while the plane carrying Rigi was forced to land in the Iranian city of Bandar Abbas where he was then captured.

To the Iranians capture of this most wanted of the CIA’s terrorist leaders we can read as reported by Iran’s Press TV News Service in their report titled “Rigi planned to meet Holbrooke in Kyrgyzstan”, and which says:

“The captured ringleader of the Jundallah terrorist group, Abdolmal...

Rigi had planned to meet a high-profile US official at the Manas Ai...

This senior US official must have been Holbrooke, who was in Kyrgyz...

In a televised confession on Press TV on Thursday, Abdolmalek Rigi ...

The Jundallah leader added that he was to meet a top US intelligenc...

During their meetings with him, the US operatives insisted that Ira...

Rigi added that the CIA agents also explained to him that since a U...

On the capture of this most wanted CIA terrorist Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) that “ties between this [Rigi’s] terrorist group and security services o...

Iran’s Press TV News Service also reports that Rigi’s “crimes against humanity” include “mass murder, armed robbery, kidnappings, acts of sabotage and bomb... including the killing of at least 40 people in the Iranian southeastern city of Pishin

Upon being briefed on Rigi’s confession of his being funded by the CIA, Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani stated that the Obama administration should address Iranian concerns raised after the confessions made by Rigi and stated that “Rigi's confessions clearly disclose a close association between Jun...”.

The US has denied having links with Rigi's group Jundallah with Reuters News Service also reporting that Geoff Morrell, Pentagon press secretary, dismissed claims by the Iranian government that Rigi had been at an American military base just before his arrest. Morrell called the accusations of American involvement “nothing more than Iranian propaganda.”

Important to note about the Americans denial of involvement with Rigi is the fact that the propaganda they blame on Iran is, in fact, being used by them instead in order to incite their public into war against the Iranians, and as we can see evidenced in the report by Juan Cole titled “Ahmadinejad once again fails to call for the annihilation of Israel”, and which, in part, says:

“I saw Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren interviewed by Wolf Blitzer ...

It is dreary to see this constant drumbeat of dishonest propaganda....

The Washington Post also wrote, "Ahmadinejad, a Holocaust denier, s...

So this is what Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday...

“Iran, Syria, the Palestinian Resistance and Lebanon are ready to m...

That is, Ahmadinejad began by offering an olive branch to any forme...

Ahmadinejad seems to see Zionism as an ideology as essentially unwi...

Ahmadinejad did not mention Israel and did not call for any genocid... their ideology has no future. In the past he has compared his visio...

American propaganda against Iran meant to further move their citizens to war against the Persian Nation also includes their lying to the American people about Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s election, and which we can see evidenced in the Consortium News Service report titled “Ahmadinejad Won, Get Over It! and which says:

Despite what you may have read in the New York Times and the Washin...

Though widely ignored by the major American news media, a recent st...

PIPA analyzed multiple polls of the Iranian public from three diffe...

“These findings do not prove that there were no irregularities in t...

To address the possibility that some poll data collected within Ira...

Regarding the possibility that Iranians felt intimidated, PIPA note...

And, further undercutting the U.S. news media’s cheerleading for “r...

Unfortunately, and as recent history has shown us all to well, the American people do not care to know the truth and remain content to believe the constant propaganda for war against Iran they are fed by their media organs and government “puppet master” officials, and all without their ever thinking of how catastrophic for them a war against the Persians would be.

But, and sadly, these Americans may soon get their wish for war as new reports from Iran are stating that President Ahmadinejad has ordered all of his Nation’s nuclear stockpile to be removed from their underground bunkers and placed in an above ground building in a move that has “stunned” the International Monitors overseeing Iran’s nuclear programme.

For Ahmadinejad’s exact reasoning for such a shocking move it is not in our knowing, other than to report the speculations of Western reporters, and which include:

“The strangest of the speculations — but the one that is being talk...

If these Western reports of Iran inviting an attack are true (and Iran had previously “invited” Israel’s Air Force to “come and visit their nuclear facilities”), then the Iranians have a willing partner for war, and as we can read in the report titled “Anglo-Israeli "Doomsday” War Scheme Advances” and which says:

“Sources close to the Israeli government have warned Executive Inte...

The sources confirmed that the Obama Administration's national secu...

Lyndon LaRouche warned that circles in London, including former Pri...

And to those Americans falsely believing that a war against Iran would be like those they have launched against Afghanistan and Iraq they should think again, especially in light of the recent war game conducted at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy, part of the Washington-based Brookings Institution that concluded:

“Here's a war game involving Iran, Israel and the U.S. that shows h...

With diplomacy failing and precious intelligence just received abou...

But what happens next isn't pretty.

The U.S. president and his National Security Council try to keep th...

Instead, Iran attacks Israel, both directly and through its proxies...

The lesson is “once you start this, it's really hard to stop it,” s...

Pollack and others who participated in the day-long exercise late l...

But the outcome underscores what diplomats, military officers and a...

“It's ... an option that has to be looked at very, very, very caref...

Israel, which sees Iran as a direct threat, has refused to rule out...

Yet one of the Brookings war game's major conclusions is that Israe...

By the end of the simulation, eight days after the fictitious Israe...

Israel's relations with the United States, its most important ally,...

Now most ominously to note in these reports is the GRU stating that Iran’s “true reason” for removing their entire nuclear stockpile from underground is due to their fears of being hit by the American’s HAARP based earthquake weapon used to devastating effect upon the Americas with the latest to be hit being the South American Nation of Chile where new reports are showing that the “signature” startling cloud formations this weapon causes prior to these earthquakes did indeed appear.

© February 28, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved

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