Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Introduction” to an Ascension Ethnography (Download)

Introduction” to an Ascension Ethnography (Download)

By Steve Beckow

Posted Abril 10, 2022

As I work away on the GAoG Basic Library, the next compilation completed is an Ascension ethnography.
An ethnography, as I’m using the term, is a first-hand account of something social or cultural that serves as raw material for later structural and functional studies. A diary or journal or video record would be examples.
This compilation is a first-hand account of all the spiritual experiences I’ve had on my gradual Ascension journey. I mean it not only for our use but for the use of civilizations distant in time and space.
I hope you see yourself reflected in it and it proves helpful.

Download it here:
Given that Earth’s is the first in a new form of Ascension – planet-wide, in the physical form, and into a brand, new space – all the ethnographic accounts we can provide other civilizations with whose Ascensions come after us may prove to be very valuable.
Journals, diaries, letters, videos – all manner of first-hand or ethnographic data will prove useful to them when their turn comes.
In this spirit I offer you this ethnographic account. I probably will add to it over the years as I uncover more early accounts of spiritual experiences – the flame in the heart, the silver bullet, Porteau Cove – I used to name them.
I now see these as levels, as a result of what Archangel Michael said:
“You have experienced progressively, periods of unity, of transformative love, of ecstasy, of bliss that you feel (and I emphasize feel) … come and go...>>>

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