Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Into this World with Love, Babies By God (The Source) Through Krista Energeticleigh

Into this World with Love, Babies
By God (The Source)
Through Krista Energeticleigh

My dearest children let me express to you my profound love and gratitude for your presence on the planet. For the children just being born you took on a challenge to improve life on Earth. The most recent children are direct descendants of the higher realms. They bring high vibrational experiences to your world. The babies of today are pure and only know love, something our planet is crying out for. Babies today will look at you different than previous babies. They are wiser than you. Their experience is broader than you. They are masters. Should you hold a baby know that they are not here to teach us anything, there are here to just be love and only love. They are here to be of the highest vibration and spread light. Previous souls needed to learn lessons and were returning from previous incarnations. Today’s babies have within them all that is needed. They come from the highest levels.

If you are a caretaker of today’s babies, be assured that you only need to provide them their basic needs and they will flourish. For they have within them everything needed to understand and deal with today’s world. You will find today’s babies easier to speak with, you will communicate more telepathically, and...+@

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