The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Intensive Prayer Portal 1/28 To 1/31/2023
By Dr Schavi
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As world conditions continue to plummet to very low energies of war (Russia and Ukraine, for example), secrets being revealed regarding political leaders, police brutality, geo-engineering of foods, further bio-weaponry experimentation, oppression of women and children, animal cruelty, and more terrors being heaped upon creation, there can never be too much petitioning to Source for help.
Even though certain horrendous situations may not touch us personally, as citizens of this planet, all people need to pray for peace, healing, and guidance.
As Light soars into our realm, shining upon what is in need of clearing-off of this planet, and also working at re-wiring and re-constructing creation on all levels, humanity encounters ~ either directly or indirectly ~ the cellular memories of many thousands of years of experiences, both good and bad.
Collective humanity is experiencing dire circumstances, and there is no denying this by turning on television entertainment shows and sports events....+
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