Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

India's Proactive Role Towards Disclosure

More and more people in powerful positions around the world are coming forth with information on UFOs and why the Truth must come out that extraterrestrials exist and are benevolent. UFO disclosure will be the most significant event in recorded human history. It changes everything.

Below are some of examples showing that Disclosure is ready to pop. You and I are ready and I believe the masses are ready to learn the Truth. These are exciting times to be alive!

Let's come together and envision disclosure already happening!

India's Proactive Role Towards Disclosure
India Proactively Preparing Its Population for Extra-Terrestrial Disclosure by the Year 2012
India is clearly a country and a people on the rise.

Along with Russia, India has become one of the leading lights towards extra-terrestrial disclosure and is proactively preparing its populace for this impending event.

One of the main Indian newspapers, India Daily, has written a series of editorials and articles over the past several years that are mincing no words that disclosure will absolutely take place by the year 2012. It seems evident that India is at the forefront in shattering the myth and secrecy behind extra-terrestrial's presence on Earth.

They have consistently provided a litany of secret information that is quite astonishing to consider that it is emanating from a mainstream news source. Not surprisingly, this kind of vital information simply would never be found in a mainstream US news outlet. Period!

A headline from a February 6, 2007 India Daily editorial read, "Major space agencies of the world cooperating to reveal the truth about UFOs in 2012 – why in 2012?" This editorial went on to predict that the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), along with other foreign space programs, are actively planning on revealing the extra-terrestrial presence no later than the year 2012.

"The mainstream media has started talking about UFO all of a sudden. That is the first indication that something is happening behind the scene. Why all of a sudden, the History channel, The Discovery Channel and the National Geography Channel will start broadcasting the UFO news, cover up stories and more? Even the Fox channel has joined the bandwagon," this editorial speculates.

Coupled with a large percentage of their 1 billion people dedicated towards spiritual evolution and enlightenment, it seems all but inevitable that India will become one of the major players in the world community in the not too distant future. Particularly, if they are the first nation, or one of the first nations, to disclose the extra-terrestrial presence.

And naturally, the Indian government is one of the growing number of countries that have made the bold decision to release their heretofore secret UFO files. Hardly a coincidence. While the United States government remains blindly indifferent to acknowledging that their UFO files even exist.

What is further interesting to note is that India shares a border with Kazakhstan (part of the former Soviet Union), and China, two other nations that also appear to be taking extra-terrestrial disclosure seriously. With Kazankhstan opening the world's first embasy for extra-terrestrials.

China has seen a flurry of UFO activity during the year of 2010.

Several new videos of UFO craft have been appearing on the web and it would seem that China's citizenry is being permitted, at least on some occasions, to reveal this footage to the world, despite the strict communist government control mechanisms.

It would be prudent to keep an eye on Russia, India and China as we march ever closer towards eventual disclosure and the breaking of the long held secrets that we are alone in the universe.

By Scott Mowry

For more fascinating information visit Miracles and Inspiration

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