Saviors Of Earth

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Indian in the machine - Are Madonna and Angelina Jolie taking male steroids?

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Comment by Trudy on August 18, 2009 at 5:58am
I think its high time I take a better look at the Kabbalah. I knew it is Jewish and when I joined the group my main question was how they see the unconditional love from the Kabbalah for the people of Palestine ...

WOW what's just happen, I went back to the comments I'd made on the Kabbalah site in june ( to see how the answer were at that time on my question about the Palestinians) and this shows up, strange really strange...

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The website contains elements of the site, which appears to host malware. This is software that you can damage your computer without your knowledge or action to carry out. If you have a site that contains malware just visiting, your computer is infected. For more information about the problems with these elements to the Safe Browsing Diagnostic page for Google
Then you have 2 options, accept the problems, or leave. So I'm gone!

Next step to find out what that all means...

So manny thanks dear Josev we are never too old to learn, thank you for your light Savior
Comment by jose v on August 18, 2009 at 3:38am
I don't know much abouth kabala . I know that politicians and artis used to get power , and power is poison this days .
if you are looking for power to slave to control some one . to stop the awakening of the lightworker it is not good ,
but you will know what it is good or bad for you . I don't usually like to comment here the minds are very young it doesn't care how old the physical body is ..
I was not program to comment. only to find doors for you guys . I will tell you that in this side we also have some visit from dark entities you be careful and follow your heart and you will found what you looking for.

love dear lightworker.
Comment by Trudy on August 18, 2009 at 2:36am
Dear Josev
This is so confusing...are you telling me that the Kabbalah group here at SOE is a satanic study ... of the ego??? Omg Please help me out here???
Comment by jose v on August 17, 2009 at 1:17pm
trudy this words :Madonna has lied about her plastic surgery on record....she studies jewish satanism..."the kabbala"....she's addicted to attention...she's proven that she's willing to manipulate and mislead the masses....she's not your average workout bunny. ;)
are indian machine coment ,,

but madonna is a kabbala top satanism woman she is all in to the dark side ..
Leo Lyon Zagami, ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - the Masonic Executive Committee - of Monte Carlo, was, until recently, a high level member of the Italian Illuminati. He is a 33rd degree Freemason, and a senior member of the infamous P2 Lodge. He was the 'Prince': prepared to take over after the older Illuminati 'King', Licio Gelli. He was born of a Scottish-Sicilian Illuminati aristocratic bloodline, and so has been involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.
leo help madonna open a new temple

Comment by Trudy on August 17, 2009 at 11:00am
Jose jose you can go too far ... Veins those on the arms is nothing special, I have it too, so ... and the arms from Michelle Obama are not her arms, heavy overloaded this vid ...
Pure sensation !!
Comment by jose v on August 17, 2009 at 2:43am
Madonna has lied about her plastic surgery on record....she studies jewish satanism..."the kabbala"....she's addicted to attention...she's proven that she's willing to manipulate and mislead the masses....she's not your average workout bunny. ;)

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