Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

In some ways it is a sad time as a division of the people based on their Light quotient is inevitable.

In some ways it is a sad time as a division of the people based on their Light quotient is inevitable. Ideally it would be wonderful if every single soul were able to raise their consciousness, enabling all of you to ascend together.
However, free will has been exercised by you all, and obviously not everyone feels ready to commit themselves to entering the process of Ascension. In time the wealth of the world will be properly shared for the good of all. Your present times are the result of deliberate plans by the Illuminati to create friction through lack and make you reliant on them for your existence. Remember that ID cards are the means of controlling you and have little to do with the war on terrorists - who are created and not born. It is their violent disapproval of corruption and the invasion of their countries that are the real reasons for their actions. However, there will be major changes before ID cards can be elevated to such a level that you cannot move around or exist without one. World peace will have been achieved and that will end the opposition that is born out of frustration and hatred against those who illegally impose themselves upon other countries. The dark forces no longer carry the authority they once did, and their chain of command is slowly becoming fragmented. Our allies have placed themselves in strategic positions to make sure that they do not rise up again. There is so much happening that is hastening the end of the rule by the dark forces, but true to their colours they needlessly fight to the end. Their days are numbered and many revelations about their illegal operations are waiting to be announced to the world. The truth has to be established. Your progress is undeniable and inevitable, as you head for the great upliftment known as Ascension. For our part we continue to monitor your progress and the happenings on Earth. We stand at the ready for greater contact with you and the ultimate order to proceed with First Contact, if the dark forces are not relieved of their power and authority. One way or another you will see the final days played out and be able to enjoy that remaining period at peace and as a happy and joyous race of people. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as we approach the end times excitement grows on our ships. What we have waited for to complete our mission for you and God is coming so near to manifestation. Ascension is an event of major importance, announcing the arrival of 'new Man' into the higher dimensions as a fully conscious Being ...."

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Comment by Joshua on August 14, 2009 at 3:18pm
Free will lives in being not the ego. I believe every one is on the 'Ascension' path whether they know it or not. Just by participating in life you are making the shift. I really personally don't like the word ascension because it's not a raising in consciousness but a realizing. Yet it's due to interpretation, as everything is.

Thanks for the post.
Comment by ian on August 14, 2009 at 2:32pm
Thanks again!
Comment by Besimi on August 14, 2009 at 1:28pm
Cool :)
thnx Jose.

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