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Illuminati Who's Who Linked to Raelians

Illuminati Who's Who Linked to Raelians

April 5, 2010

raelian_poster_web.jpg(left, Raelian Poster) 

by Steve Thomas 

The 'Evelyn Rothschild' Facebook page contains a central link directly connecting to the bizarre RAELIAN  movement - a sinister New Age cult . The group's website states: "The Raelian Revolution is boldly bringing about a complete paradigm shift on our planet."  This cannot be ignored, given its claim that a who's who of the world's elite, including Barack Obama and Tony Blair, are its "friends."

'Evelyn Rothschild':

The cult is headed by a man they call RAEL MAITREYA - Maitreya being a Sanskrit word for the anticipated 'new Buddha', or 'enlightened one'. The term has been absorbed within New Age and Theosophy terminology, where it has come to mean; the coming WORLD TEACHER. Others, especially bona fide students of the Bible, from many mainstream, non-cult, religious groups, believe this Maitreya to be a future manifestation of the ANTICHRIST.   'Rael Maitreya' is more than well connected:

On the friends' list of the 'Rael Maitreya' page, we find the initially inconspicuous  'Igor N. Grata' - evidently it seems, a preeminent activist within the cult of Raelism:

Igor N. Grata:

Igor N. Grata, directly inter-linked with 'Evelyn Rothschild' and 'Rael Maitreya', has no less than 57 Rothschilds and 13 Rockefellers, and a list of the most  significant world leaders, entertainment stars, lists of Royal Princes, Sultans, and European Nobility.  Film Stars, Society Greats the world over - all directly personally  attached as friends to this personal Raelian Cult Facebook site. 

I have cross checked these named links and they appear to be genuine, with many thousand complex connectivity, personal to each.  Bon Jovi, Al-Saud, Kashoggi, Pacino, Warhol, Jolie, Onassis, Jagger.  'Alex Jones',  'TONY BLAIR', Lieberman, OBAMA, Affleck, 'BILL CLINTON', Bardot.  Santana, 'Carlos Raul Castro', Habsburg, Trump, Zeta-Jones, Kennedy, 'Madonna'. 'EHUD BARAK', 'ELIZABETH WINDSOR', Clapton, Mountbatten, Vanderbilt, Hefner.  'HOSNI MUBARAK',  'Jeb Bush', Depp, 'Joan Collins', 'JONG IL KIM'. 'Nicole kidman', Minogue, Presley,  'Ozzy Ozbourne', McCartney, Domingo, 'Ehud Olmert', Romanov, 'PRINCE CHARLES WINDSOR' (genuine page - cross-checked,) 'Simon Cowell', 'Tom Cruise' & Travolta' (=Scientology!) and 'William Henry Gates'.

Each of the named important friends has an equal and opposite link to Rael within their own list of friends. These people manage their information flows VERY carefully. It is impossible that 5,000 significant people would all have this Raelian top level contact in their own friends list. They would delete them without delay. To be a friend requires mutual agreement. 

Proof - check these links and their friends' lists. Look for Igor N. Grata. He is the Raelian Link. Type Igor in search bar and hit the tennis racket. Then click him and check it out...  Grace Jones:   Julia Roberts:  Atiene Rothschild:   Oprah Winfrey:

The cross-over between this list, and the friends' list of the Grandmaster of the GUILDERBERG, is almost unbelievable.  The 'ANGEL ILLUMINATI' appears in pole position within this Raelian list of 4,930!

(Links are being closed down as the investigation proceeds. If you log onto the Rael site above, find 'Igor N. Grata' in the friends list to gain access to his friends list. Type a letter or a name in the search bar and hit the search icon.)

raelian_ufo.jpgRael Maitreya proponent, 'Igor N Gratia', preaches the following doctrine from his home page: "I AM AllOneness HADRON Materia, I AM Elohim-Terran; I AM LOVE - I AM World Peace". (How interesting then, that we also find the Hadron Collider in the list of Guilderberg connections.)

'Political views' are registered as: "New World Order/Global Empire meets New Cosmic Order/Global Republic via "Royalist-300" Geniocracy'"

'Religious views': "Raelian (= atheist/ creationist)"

Advertising: "The 'Book' that will change the world and usher in a new era of world peace, universal love and a New Cosmic Order for intergalactic humanity."

Permitted entrance into high society, celebrity culture, media, Government, is evidently controlled by a GATE-KEEPER, or at least recorded in this phenomenal register for some use as yet unknown.


The main page of the 'Igor N. Grata' web address, ominously proclaims: "Igor N. Grata overturns present reality by prescribing for humanity "white pill" of Bitter Tears, "blue pill of Royal Destiny, and "red pill of The Blood".  He asks: "is humanity nothing more than a quantum cosmic entanglement...?"  Please do scan this main information page:   Here we find the white pill appears to be connected in some way to a predicted "California earthquake 2010". Please see the page and explore the connections between the site, and the 'admin' who refers to himself as "creator"...

Is this event connected to HAARP technology, believed by many to be instrumental in the deliberate triggering of earthquakes?  An open question.


The prevailing core evidence here presented, links -

1. The known GLOBAL ELITE, (infused with Rothschild and Rockefeller family members, European Dynastic Nobility, Royalty, and Global business leaders, the world's most wealthy, Sultans & Sheiks, media & entertainment stars.)

2. The ILLUMINATI,  via the actual name appearing throughout Facebook entries of almost 600 people, from Clinton to Gates etc

3. World FREEMASONRY, via the multiple Masonic Lodge connections running out from this unholy web across the world.

4. The ancient GUILDERBERG group,  containing as it does,  many of the most important people on the planet, and embedded within it, Hans Bilderberg, (the Bilderberg name originating from the Hotel where the group first met in 1954, with the world's politicians by personal invitation) and now, at last.

5. A sinister spiritual connection between the groups - the infamous RAELIAN CULT, which looks to 'extra-terrestrial' influences to guide us into 'planetary harmony'. This group incredibly provides us with an almost impossible-to-locate list of the most significant players on the world stage, in all areas of public and private life. And a mutual direct link to the 'GOLDEN DAWN', hosting overt Satanism, Witchcraft, Luciferianism, and Thelema Magick. And the now infamous ANGEL ILLUMINATI.

Some people believe that the Illuminati serve extraterrestrials. Could the Raelians be the link between the two? According to Wikipedia, "followers of Raëlism are believers in the Elohim, an advanced race of extraterrestrials who created life on earth." 


'New Era' spirituality emerged from the occult spiritual movement known as THEOSOPHY. This came through Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, who channelled the writings of her claimed 'spirit guide' (known as Djwhal Khul), in a document known as "the Externalization of the Hierarchy".

Bailey formed the Publishing House, 'Lucifer Trust' (later changed to 'Lucis Trust')  which published documentation for the United Nations.  Her channelled writings (written in the 1940's) have been central to the development of New Era (or New Age) dogma, focussing on; "the manifestation of AVATARS" (external spirit embodiments, otherwise known as 'walk-ins'). The use of "World Crises to enable global change"!... "Steps to a New World Order", "The release of Atomic Energy", and preparation for the "reappearance of the Christ" (known alternatively as: 'the Antichrist'). Here follows a sample of her writings:

"The energy pouring through Them [Avatars] and transmitted by Them is focused through the Lord of the World; They can only be reached by the united voices of the Hierarchy and of humanity speaking in unison; Their service is evoked only by realized need, and only after those who call Them forth have added to their faith strenuous action"


The Raelian Facebook connections, reveal a final link in this chain:

Arcturus promotes a modernized version of Bailey's demonic incarnation of avatars into willing human hosts, promoting: "Ascension of Earthlings into the fifth dimensional frequency. Those from Arcturus are benevolent to all beings and are willing to assist any of those who request their assistance. Their evolutionary track puts them far ahead of those beings on earth. Their purpose here is to enlighten their space brothers and sisters and will not unwillingly impose unless requested to do so."    - This devil lies poorly!

It is of utmost importance to realize that the World Elite are now organizing in association with a Spirit Cult of immense significance. This is an elite allegiance organized in association with the Raelian Movement, the Guilderberg, connecting directly to the Illuminati, and the Ruling Houses of Europe, America, and the Kings of the East.

More on Raelian Cult

Raelians Denounce Zionists

YouTube "Rael Talks About Money"

Also by Steve Thomas

Tracking the Bilderbergers in Facebook

Steve Thomas is an organic gardener in Cornwall England.

His first essay was "Tracking the Illuminati On Facebook"

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Comment by CHRISTINA on July 14, 2019 at 3:24pm


The Raelian Facebook connections, reveal a final link in this chain:

Arcturus promotes a modernized version of Bailey's demonic incarnation of avatars into willing human hosts, promoting: "Ascension of Earthlings into the fifth dimensional frequency. Those from Arcturus are benevolent to all beings and are willing to assist any of those who request their assistance. Their evolutionary track puts them far ahead of those beings on earth. Their purpose here is to enlighten their space brothers and sisters and will not unwillingly impose unless requested to do so."    - This devil lies poorly!

It is of utmost importance to realize that the World Elite are now organizing in association with a Spirit Cult of immense significance. This is an elite allegiance organized in association with the Raelian Movement, the Guilderberg, connecting directly to the Illuminati, and the Ruling Houses of Europe, America, and the Kings of the East.

More on Raelian Cult

Raelians Denounce Zionists

YouTube "Rael Talks About Money"

Also by Steve Thomas

Tracking the Bilderbergers in Facebook

Steve Thomas is an organic gardener in Cornwall England.

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 10, 2018 at 11:03am

highly likely the girl you worked with was mind controlled and programmed with green star programming 

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 10, 2018 at 10:24am
Comment by CHRISTINA on January 10, 2018 at 10:17am


The Raelian Facebook Connections reveal a final link in this chain:

Arcturus promotes a modernized version of Bailey's demonic incarnation of avatars into willing human hosts, promoting: "Ascension of Earthlings into the fifth dimensional frequency. Those from Arcturus are benevolent to all beings and are willing to assist any of those who request their assistance. Their evolutionary track puts them far ahead of those beings on earth. Their purpose here is to enlighten their space brothers and sisters and will not unwillingly impose unless requested to do so."    - This devil lies poorly!

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 10, 2018 at 10:15am

Each of the named important friends has an equal and opposite link to Rael within their own list of friends. These people manage their information flows VERY carefully. It is impossible that 5,000 significant people would all have this Raelian top level contact in their own friends list. They would delete them without delay. To be a friend requires mutual agreement. 

Proof - check these links and their friends' lists. Look for Igor N. Grata. He is the Raelian Link. Type Igor in search bar and hit the tennis racket. Then click him and check it out...  Grace Jones:   Julia Roberts:  Atiene Rothschild:   Oprah Winfrey:

Comment by CHRISTINA on January 10, 2018 at 10:11am

I have cross checked these named links and they appear to be genuine, with many thousand complex connectivity, personal to each.  Bon Jovi, Al-Saud, Kashoggi, Pacino, Warhol, Jolie, Onassis, Jagger.  'Alex Jones',  'TONY BLAIR', Lieberman, OBAMA, Affleck, 'BILL CLINTON', Bardot.  Santana, 'Carlos Raul Castro', Habsburg, Trump, Zeta-Jones, Kennedy, 'Madonna'. 'EHUD BARAK', 'ELIZABETH WINDSOR', Clapton, Mountbatten, Vanderbilt, Hefner.  'HOSNI MUBARAK',  'Jeb Bush', Depp, 'Joan Collins', 'JONG IL KIM'. 'Nicole kidman', Minogue, Presley,  'Ozzy Ozbourne', McCartney, Domingo, 'Ehud Olmert', Romanov, 'PRINCE CHARLES WINDSOR' (genuine page - cross-checked,) 'Simon Cowell', 'Tom Cruise' & Travolta' (=Scientology!) and 'William Henry Gates'.

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