If I am that Child...
By Steve Beckow
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/06/if-i-am-that-child.htmlIf there is God the Mother, God the Father, and God the Child, then I am – and you are – that Child, are we not? (1)
We’re all creatures, creations, given a sensory suit by the Mother, built around the Father’s spark.
If I am that Child, in a diving suit at the bottom of the Mariannas Trench (Third Dimensionality), walking stiffly and seeing so little of what’s actually out there, then at some level of consciousness, inaccessible to me, my spark must also be.
And at some other level, undetectable by me, it must be connecting with what’s happening right here, right now. Since the Child is the Father, this must be the way the Father experiences through me.
Have I ever had an experience in which I knew without doubt that I was (A) in a different dimension, region, or place rather than (B) simply experiencing a higher state while in my same everyday, 3/4D reality?
The answer is yes. On two occasions.
On both occasions I found myself in an Ocean of Love (2) and saying to myself, it’s impossible that this is the Third or Fourth Dimension. Everything has disappeared but love. It must be higher. It turned out to be seventh, according to Michael. (3)
Let me introduce a second seventh-dimensional experience to contrast with the first to make the point I’m driving at.+++
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