"I Think you Only Read Introductions"By Steve Beckowhttps://ascensionflame.blogspot.com/2022/12/i-think-you-only-read-introductions.htmlI feel like reminiscing a bit, at Christmas time. I hope you’ll allow me….
It was a key event for me in 1974 to read Eric Berne’s Games People Play. (1)
That book showed me that one could study and classify patterned behavior in humans. I’ve had an abiding interest in that subject, allegedly not having been this way all too often.
I looked at behavior from every conceivable angle – sociology, anthropology, psychology, folkoristics, kinesics, proxemics, etc., etc. Anything that could help me see the patterns in human behavior, I read. … Errrr… Well, I read in part.
My thesis adviser once said to me, “Steve, I think you only read the introductions to books.” He was largely right. I was interested only in the theory; not the application. And that was usually given in the introduction....+
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