Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I Prefer to Feel Good The Angels Through Ann Albers

I Prefer to Feel Good
The Angels
Through Ann Albers

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine a pure, clean, and clear stream. It flows ceaselessly, nourishing everything along its banks. Unobstructed it would be a mighty force, but its flow is blocked, directed, limited, or allowed by all that stands along its banks or in its way. The stream doesn’t judge any of this. It nourishes equally the trees that block or divert its flow as well as the ones that adapt to allow its natural flow.

You could say that the stream influences all of life around it, nourishing and supporting the ecosystem, and as well, all around influences the flow of the stream. The trees, rocks, and animals can block, direct, limit, or allow the flow, but they cannot stop it. The stream will push against boulders blocking its path, but if they won’t roll, it will go around them. If the stream runs against a dam, its flow may slow and seep underground or find a new path. The flow comes from a source that the life along the path can influence, direct, but not change. The source and the stream don’t quit no matter who or what is blocking, directing, limiting, or allowing. They continue to provide.

So too, there is an eternal stream of love that flows through all of creation. With your thoughts, words, and deeds you shape the flow. You direct it with your loving thoughts and desires. +++

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