Thanks to Brad we all have a home. Some of us who have just joined the family of SOE are so excited to be here and to share our selves with you all! I'm so energized and blessed even more since the FTG. The blessings are just pooring in all around me even if the dark forces try to distract me!
I'm preparing for the greatest journey ever taken in my life and I couldn't be more excited. I'm truly blessed to have all of you in my life at this time and this place!
I'm preparing for a master cleanse and preparing in all areas of my life! I know I'll be moving away from California at the end of the year or sooner if Spirit says so. However, you may ask why? Well here is a excerpt from a channeled message I got 6 years ago....
08/15/2004 Channelings
Cry your tears for the place before we remove it from this space. (California) In 6 years (2010) time a battle line will be drawn between two fronts and everything that has been told will come to the front and we await the bright light. We ground and with patience tell the sun to burn brighter. Pay attention to the race for a country leader and listen to the truths that will turn upside down, shaking faiths and crumble false beliefs. But we go too deep we hear your groaning.
We will keep you centered on one goal at a time. For now hit the ground and run forward with your plan. But do not become rigid in what you call your own. Now is the time to draw focus, retain all knowledge and wisdom, project positive energy and reflect the light from above. You were not the one who saw it all first Nin, she saw and told you and you cease to recall. But all will make sense after the call. So nothing is always what it seems.
Of course I like you then said well where shall we go? Here is what the response was...
The time has not yet come for you to know where you will be together. Time to hone your skills and learn how to survive. Time to take care of yourselves so you will be ready when it’s time to join together. If one is powerful alone, three will be even better. You will be placed evenly between the north pole and the equator for maximum energies.
The grids anxiously await the extra energy you have to give. You now know where they are and what they look like so go to work. You now know what your purpose in life has always been. Be the rock. Lay that solid foundation for those you love to stand on.
Well we have all certainly fired the gird with our energies so now the place that's evenly between the north pole and the equator is..... The 45th parallel!
As you can see there are several places on earth that match this and just wanted to see if anyone else here has gotten this same message and where it is you're all drawn by your knowing spirit to go?
I'm going to be meditating on this one and also preparing to go just like the message posted from Arch Angel Gabriel!
Especially YOU CanCaspScorpio I know you're the best one to see which one of these places would be best for all of us according to the stars!
Thanks for reading family!
Love you all very much!
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