Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

1 thing am sick of it is all that yeah we don't need helpor we dont need to be rescue ! how can you fight has a race or species against a goverment or reptilians or other evil race that just manipulate you since a long time ! how can we possibly fight this ,80% of humanity dont want to wake up and dont believe in ETS and this kind of things its all sci- fi for them! how can we possibly fight this and evolved in a small numbers who believe in this! we are all ridicule by the skeptics or debunkers and other that just follow the rat race.. humanity will never wake up unless we have a big kick in the butt. sorry but my lowest vibration needed to moan ...

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Comment by Rocanon on January 11, 2009 at 2:59am
What you said it’s totally real, and it is logical to feel in that way, but that reality belongs to those who want us to believe their way, it is normal to feel isolated and hopeless when we think in a personal way, “one against millions“, that is exactly the way the people in control they want us to think, but stop for a minute and think about the real situation, you belong to a group of people (SOE) who believe in the power of light, people who are retaking the heritage of our ancestors, and are getting improvements I their own lives, now for this to happen to everyone requires constancy and mostly faith, remember that everything valuable has a price, and the price for us is patience, and commitment with ourselves.
Now think about every single person who belongs to this or any other group of workers of light, each one of them are spreading the information learned in those communities, whit persons who give space and time to them, and this other people are doing the same with others and so on, this phenomenon which some of this group call a hundred monkeys effect, I learned as synchronicity, in the same way that ideas, inventions, philosophies, are created in one side of the world, the same thing is happening in the other side, just because the evolution of the human being doesn’t stop.
In conclusion I have been in this new way of thinking since 1993, and in that time I could count thousands of people in Mexico and here in Canada where I live, involved in the spiritual way, at this time I could say that we are millions all over the world, therefore we are notorious, and every day minute by minute, hour by hour, more and more people are getting touched by us, and many of them are following the same path, now, don’t worry about the help from our neighbours the ET, because at the end of this journey it will be us and nobody else, who will create the new world, and let me tell you, we can do the change, just keep your mind and hearth in the positive side, don’t give up yourself to the dark side, just take a look outside of your window, see the world out there, and think if it worth the effort, you will get your answer.
My best wishes for you my brother.


Comment by Dawn of Light on January 10, 2009 at 9:28pm
First thing to do is stop worrying! Do you think that we spent 75000 years in this dimension for nothing? We are all evolving, and closer and closer it is becoming a reality. I am amazed at the amount of people awaking at my work. All finding their own way through! Now, I work at a casino with 3600 other employees, and it's amazing how this 100th monkey effect catches on! We have plenty of time! It has been channeled, that even the most skeptic person will even question their future. All I say is give it time, God has planned this out. Here's a quote to inspire you:
God saith: Think not, O man, that things happen without a cause, or that all things are left to chance. In my works I go beforehand and plan the way, even more carefully than a captain lieth siege to a city.

God bless you, and stay positive, we are all going to be rewarded!

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