Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

How to Stabilize Yourself By School of Shamanism

How to Stabilize Yourself
By School of Shamanism

One of the greatest repercussions of the grand transition the human race is undergoing right now is destabilization. To review a little context here, the human race is now going through the greatest transition it has ever experienced at any other historical period. There are several reasons for this.

The human race has always been evolving and is continuing its evolution at a breakneck speed right now even though many people are so disgusted with human activity and behavior that they are convinced the human race is actually regressing. This may appear to be so but it is entirely inaccurate. Right now, the human race is going through puberty, moving from childhood to adulthood through the transitional stage of adolescence. Anybody who has been around adolescents, especially delinquents, may also be convinced that they are regressing but that is obviously not so.

The transition to adulthood can be very difficult and that is what we are in, squeezed into a fifty-year period of time. Not only are we evolving in terms of our scientific, technological, and economic accomplishments, but we are evolving in terms of our spirituality and consciousness. However, we are not all evolving at the same rate and this creates huge polarization and conflict that threatens to tear our world apart. In fact, not every member of the human race is evolving through puberty at this time.+++

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