Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

How To Open Your Third Eye Chakra For Spiritual Awakening By Aeron Lazar

How To Open Your Third Eye Chakra For Spiritual Awakening
By Aeron Lazar

Opening your third eye is a prerequisite to experiencing Galactic Light Beings, Spirit Guides, receiving downloads of knowledge and understanding, accessing the Akashic Records and re-writing timelines. Third eye activation is also a gateway to accelerated manifestation of your ideal reality.
But this is unfortunately a process that many people struggle with, at least initially. And this is also the reason why the number 1 question I get asked as a psychic is: how do I open my third eye? Here are some third eye opening secrets, drawing on my experience as a psychic and mentor to Starseeds and Lightworkers.

What is the third eye activation?
What people talk about “the third eye activation” or “the third eye opening” they are actually referring to a person’s consciousness stepping into the Quantum Field and experiencing the Multiverse beyond the world of five physical senses.

The fact that our pineal gland is called ‘the third eye’ leads our slogical minds to believe that naturally we should all ‘see’ things. After all we all see with our eyeballs, so this must be the same thing. ...+

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