Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

How to Connect with Your Destiny By Nature Spirits Through Natalie Glasson

How to Connect with Your Destiny
By Nature Spirits
Through Natalie Glasson

Greetings, Namaste, we are a collective energy of the Nature Spirits.
We come forth with our love, our respect, and our gratitude for those of you who are extending your light far and wide upon the Earth. We thank you dearly for the light you have shared with the Nature Kingdom, and we share our light with you too. We collect your light, we enhance it, we magnify it, and we send it to you, to all of humanity, all beings and Mother Earth. It is our purpose to magnify light and to enhance the vibration of light existing within Mother Earth.

We wish to come forth and speak of Balanced Creation. We wish to invite you to begin to include us, the Nature Kingdoms, and Spirits of the Earth, Mother Earth in your own meditation time and manifestation projects. We wish to support you in creating your dreams, your desires, your soul’s destiny upon the Earth. We wish to share wisdom as to how we can support you in creating your dreams and desires and we also wish to create a Balanced Creation. What this means is that as we join and unite in your energy, we will bring our manifestation vibrations and frequencies to that which you are manifesting. Therefore, it will be supported by the Nature Kingdom and the Nature Spirits. What this also means is that your dreams and desires will be aligned with creating higher vibrations for Mother Earth and all beings as well as supporting the Nature Kingdoms.

You might wonder how a dream or desire of a soul can be aligned with Nature Spirits and Mother Earth? ...+

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