How to Awaken the Beauty Within
By Archangel Metatron
Through Natalie Glasson, beloved beings of light, I am Archangel Metatron.
It is a joy to be in your presence today as I come forth speaking of activating and awakening the beauty within. We first need to acknowledge what beauty is. Beauty is the essence of the Creator, it is the purity, the core, the truth of the Creator. This translates and manifests into well-being, health, inner peace, calmness. The ability to access one's inner power, to manifest one's dream in their reality, to speak the truth or their truth, and to allow for transformation, healing and rejuvenation to take place. Your inner beauty is your inner glow. It is the combination of qualities of the Creator that you embody and allow to flow freely from your being. When you are connected to your inner glow, the sacred Creator qualities, vibrations and truths, and allow these to flow in an active and conscious way, you are manifesting your inner beauty.
You may wonder why it is important to manifest your inner beauty. Beauty is so important as it inspires the soul. There is a need for many across the Earth to see, to sense, to acknowledge beauty and to be inspired by it. Inspiration comes from the soul; it activates...+
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