By Neil Keenan,
H.E. DR. RAY C. DAM THE HEAD OF THE ORGANIZATION INTERNATIONAL TREASURY CONTROL the once mighty appointed representative of the Banking groups that hijacked our legitimate Banking System in 1995 has not only been detained but is near death in a Cambodian Jail Hospital.
Dam, although having been detained for more than 3 months without formal charges having been filed is in dire straights. An American Citizen, Dr. Dam has not been visited by his Embassy since his detention. This all sounds very strange unless we are looking at a planned demise of a person who was supposed to be the head of the World’s finaincial system.
Ray C. Dam has been deserted. He has not been charged. And he most likely is not the person who should be charged in this case. Neil Keenan who is the principal in the case (to soon be filed) of the stolen 1 Trillion USD in assets, against the OITC, UN, World Economic Forum, David Sale (OITC employee) and many others states: “After much investigation it is obvious that Ray Dam is not the Fabricator of those bonds but the expert that works under his roof David Sale. David Sale fabricated documents, contracts, bonds, Bank guarantees and so much more. It is Sale you must look at here not Dam. They are torturing the wrong person”.
One must wonder why US ambassador to Cambodia Carol Rodly has not intervened in this situation involving this US Citizen but rather sits back and knowingly allows Dam to wilt away into nothingness. If anything she is implicated now in the attempt on Ray Dam’s life. Following orders to condone torture and murder is no excuse Ambassador Rodly.
On the other hand the Royal Family seems to have stepped up to assist Ray Dam. They are diligently working with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen who wants this situation to go away but is not getting any assistance from Stateside. Even he cannot figure out what is happening with the Americans. Yet Cambodian Prince Chittara has moved quickly and to the front requesting aid from the American Embassy but it seems like he is talking to deaf ears.
People beware. This is what can happen to you when your government deserts you. The following pictures are very graphic but are photos taken by Intelligence Agents with special camera’s thus allowing us to see the very condition of Dr. Ray C. Dam at this very moment. Close your eyes Ambassador Rodly, US State Department, this is one of your very own. One you created and one you obviously wish to see destroyed.
Good Luck H.E. Dr. Ray C. Dam, you never wanted this and you are a creation of others and should they kill you then we all wish you to finally Rest In Peace. You are paying for others sins.
Mr. Fulford,
I would ask you not to publish this comment and it will quickly become apparent as to why.
I have been in contact with Alexander for three months now. While I admire your work and dedication, I decided it was unwise to attempt to contact you directly unless it was necessary. It seems that the time is now.
His visa expires soon and is in need of transportation. I plan to help him with funding and do whatever I can to ensure his safe passage. It will be difficult to assist him as I am on the other side of the world.
If there is anything you can do, then the help would be much appreciated. I know you have already done much to help with our endeavors and that it is quite unfair to ask this of you.
I do not expect a response to this, though certainly have no objection to doing so. Fighting these Cabalists has already drained my soul, mind, body, and finances, yet it is still not enough. Consider this an SOS. I am calling in favors from every direction...even from above.