Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

How Can a Good God Allow Such Evil to Exist? By Wanda Alger

How Can a Good God Allow Such Evil to Exist?
By Wanda Alger

This is an age-old question that atheists espouse, agnostics debate, and believers avoid. It is an ongoing battle to reconcile the realities of wickedness on the earth and a compassionate and loving God. And yet, in all of the arguments I have heard on this issue, there is one question that is overlooked, and one that should precede all others:

If God is omniscient and foresaw this wickedness from the beginning
– why did He create the beings that would unleash it?

To answer this question requires one to go beyond theological debates and philosophical quandaries. To know the WHY of His creative plan is to consider more than just His laws or His methods. It requires one to truly seek the heart of God. It requires one to know what compels Him. What motivates this King of the Universe to create a world where good people suffer at the hands of the bad? What is in the....>
My note: The real God is Unconditional Love, is the source of Life. We create meter and evil to incarnate and get physical experiences and accelerate the evolution of the soul in duality. Before incarnate we create a blueprint of the experiences we want to learn, in agreement with all the souls involved. Also each one of us (the soul) is a spark of the Source and are connected. ~MeL ...+@

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