Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

hose Almost Immediately Eligible Part One The Damascus Scribe (Sananda) Is The Teacher Message received by George Barnard

hose Almost Immediately Eligible
Part One
The Damascus Scribe (Sananda)
Is The Teacher
Message received by George Barnard

The Scribe: “When you smartly elucidate to whom you wish to speak, that Teacher will come through to you. Of course, when your mind is not clear and you ‘vaguely move through’ a list of your Teachers, they may well shrug their shoulders and await a specific call. Now tell your story here first.”

George: At some time during 1974 or 1975 Midwayer Chief Bzutu and I discussed the further treatment of a deeply troubled patient. What we came up with between us more than pleased us both and I chanced the remark: ‘We’re as old as the Hills, you and I.’ It was a casual way of saying that neither of us was born just yesterday. The Chief answered: ‘You are older.’ Then he was gone.

The Scribe: “Can you think of anyone who would better explain what the Chief had in mind? He, of course, spoke of the Gift from God you mostly call your Thought Adjuster. I am a Thought Adjuster. I was a Virgin Adjuster and through various — mostly dissappointing associations — I became a Self-Acting Adjuster, then a Supreme Adjuster (serving both Machiventa and Jesus), now a Personalized Adjuster of which there are but relatively few.

And so I am the one who with a few words can explain what your friend, Bzutu, meant. In the years he spent on this planet he is unbelievably older than is your body, or your brain, or mind. It is concerning your Thought Adjuster that he informs you, you are older. ...+

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