Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Historic Speech (Gordon Duff) in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World . ...ISRAEL,USA behind ISIS/ISIL /DAISH. this recommanded .

Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World

by  Preston James



From the Left: VT Financial Editor Mike Harris, VT Managing Editor Jim Dean, VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff and VT Director Colonel James Hanke.

Last week Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today delivered an Historic Keynote Speech at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism held in Damascus, Syria. This speech is sending shock-waves around the World.


Gordon Duff was part of a Veterans Today Senior Staff Delegation that traveled to Damascus and was in consultation with the Veterans Today Board and other like minded individuals within the Military and Intelligence community.

This Delegation included Veterans Today Senior Editor *Gordon Duff, Veterans Today Managing Editor **Jim Dean, Veterans Today Director ***Colonel James Hanke, and Veterans Today Financial Editor ****Mike Harris.

Gordon Duff’s speech quickly changed the focus of the whole conference and is now sending shock-waves around the World in the various Diplomatic, Military and Intelligence corps around the World.

Why is his speech Historic? For a number of vitally important reasons. This speech is the first time in history an American Intelligence Team of “non-activists” gave a military briefing to an audience of this type, including key Military Leaders of diverse Tribal Forces throughout Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, along with a Russian delegation and many others from around the world. Before this historic speech by Duff, no one has ever dared to speak the simple truth about the true problem, that it is not Terrorism in the Mideast, but it is the effects of large scale international Organized Crime.


What American general made sure stockpiles of heavy weapons and ammo would be left in Iraq for the soon to emerge ISIS/ISIL/Daish?


ISIS, also known as ISIL, Daish, Al Qaeda version 2, or Al CIA Duh version 2. How could this group grow so fast and become instantly so well armed and unopposed?



But even more important, Duff, a noted international Intel and Security Consultant, identified the root cause of United States of America’s dysfunctional involvement in Iraq and Syria and the true cause of ISIS/Daish.

Duff’s speech immediately changed the whole tone of the Conference and turned it to a very practical focus on the true causes of ISIS/Daish.

His speech immediately shifted the focus of the Conference from theoretical discussions of Terrorism and Extremism, to what is actually going on at the ground level at a practical level, who is responsible and why they are doing it, that is stealing factories and torturing and killing civilians, folks that are their people.

Gordon Duff laid out the true cause of ISIS/Daish in simple terms for the very first time anyone has ever done so publicly and this disclosure from such a highly credentialed and credible Intel Professional is now sending shock-waves around the World.

Duff declared that there are far too many that have died to continue speaking in unclear terms and that it was time to share a key hypothesis based on signals intelligence. Then Duff proceeded to explain the True Causes of ISIS/Daish in simple understandable terms which provide the clarity needed to form a sustainable solution.

Duff explained that what is going on in Iraq and Syria with ISIS is not Terrorism, it is simply CRIME. That is, it is the works of an international Crime Cabal which has gotten control of the American Congress. Yes, this is a large Organized Crime problem that must be understood at its simple root cause.

Duff identified this Crime Cabal as Israeli and pointed out that this is Worldwide Crime on a scale never experienced before.

Duff explained how the Supreme Court Decision of Citizens United made it possible for an Israeli-American Organized crime magnate now operating out of Macao, Sheldon Adelson to essentially buy control of both Houses of Congress in the last election and being able to bring Congress under control of this International Crime Syndicate which specializes in human trafficking and narcotics.

Duff also identified American Generals McInerney and Vallely as being involved in organizing Daisch along with Senator John McCain.

He also pointed out that Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel [who has just resigned] was the one that prevented the American bombing of Syria in response to the False-Flag gas attack at Aleppo, Syria.

This keynote address delivered by Gordon Duff was historic because for the very first time ever a Top Intel and Security Consultant publicly explained how the problem with ISIS/Daish is not terrorism but is Crime. He clarified that ISIS/Daish is a result of Criminal Behavior of an Israeli based International Crime Syndicate which essentially bought control over the US Congress during the last election.

Here is Gordon Duff’s keynote speech which was historical and is now sending shock-waves around the World.

It should now be clear to everyone that the creation of ISIS/Daish occurred not because of Terrorism, but because of the undue influence exercised on the American Political system by this Israeli based Crime Syndicate in which a faction inside the American Congress, Military and Intel has been manipulated into supporting the creation of ISIS/Daish.

It is easy to imagine why Duff’s frank disclosure in his keynote address that the real problem on the ground in Iraq and Syria is Crime and the handy-work of an international Israeli Crime Cabal immediately changed the tone of the conference, and is now sending shock-waves around the World.

This is the first time ever that these issues have been clarified for the Syrian Security Services and Military as well as to Intel, Military and Diplomatic representatives from all over the World.

In days and weeks to follow it is expected that such an Historic disclosure based on hard Intel will change the scope and tone of the discussion about what is really going on in Iraq and Syria on the ground and how a worldwide criminal enterprise is behind it.

There were several sophisticated attempts to sidetrack and derail the VT Delegation and keep Gordon Duff from delivering his Historic Speech. Despite all these attempted interceptions, one of which was directly thwarted by VT Financial Editor Mike Harris, Gordon Duff was able to deliver his keynote address and make history by putting the actual facts behind ISIS/Daish on the public record for the very first time. Colonel Jim Hanke spoke at the Conference also and his talk was very well received.

Jim Dean took numerous films which should prove to be quite important when some are published on VT.

Mike Harris gave numerous interviews to the Syrian Press and met with Syrian Security Officials and the Grand Mufti, the World’s top Islamic legal and theological schiolar. These discussions were very productive and did a great deal to further an understanding of what is actually behind the ISIS/Daish crime problem in Iraq and Syria which is nothing more than sophisticated international Organized Crime and must be dealt with as such.


Obviously Gordon Duff and his team displayed great courage in attending this Conference in Damascus and deserve the highest commendations possible for this fine work representing the true interests of peace for folks with no voice.

When the dust settles time will show this speech will be a major turning point in the Criminal Cabal’s blatant abuse of the American People from their buying and hijacking of the US Congress and some American Generals with deep Intel connections and their abuse of millions around the World in many different nations, especially the Mideast.

No criminal Cabal or conspiracy this large can exist without utmost secrecy, which no longer exists thanks to Duff’s keynote address and complete disclosure. Their crimes are now no longer secret and the “Jig is now up”.

Thanks to Duff the Jig is about up for this International Israeli linked Crime Cabal, some have identified as the International Zionist Crime Cabal (IZCS) which has formed an alliance with the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) which is now being completely identified all over the Worldwide Internet. It is now realized by many that the BCC was formed when Bush1 ran the Assassination of JFK and rose to power, able to deeply embed his operatives in the CIA, the Military, Congress, the Department of Justice and the Judiciary.

Now if anyone doubts that ISIS/Daish was set up under the Money Power of the International Zionist Crime Cabal (IZCS) operating out of Israel which has now gained Control of the US Congress, consider this. All ISIS/Daish wounded are taken to Israel for medical treatment, all expenses paid and those that can be are returned to Iraq or Syria to attack, torture, murder and asset strip innocent civilians, pretending to be Islamic Terrorists. This is all done in order to create mass confusion and to empower those governments that exist off the spoils of pushing solutions to their synthetic terrorism which is really nothing more than a massive Organized crime operation to make money and accrue more power. How do we know that the Criminal cabal has truly gained control over the US Congress. We now have actual specific evidence which has uncovered the Crime Cabal’s control over Congress through the use of large bribes and threats of assassination.

It is now beyond obvious that the only way to deal with a such a large Criminal Cabal is to indict them, arrest them, fully prosecute them, and if convicted with clearly convincing evidence beyond any shadow of a doubt, the sentence them appropriately. If they have committed Treason, Sedition or other Capital offenses well, then upon conviction in a suitable court of law, US or International, they must be executed like the convicted Nazis from the Nuremberg War trials or the convicted Japanese from the International Military Tribunal for the Far East also known as the “Tokyo Trials” and in other courts in many different places in Asia and the Pacific. About 1,000 Japanese War criminals were executed after conviction. Twenty Nazi War criminals were executed after conviction.

However, it is known inside high level Intel circles and by those who worked closely with OSS agents and operatives, that numerous American Army secret assassination teams were deployed in Europe to bring many uncharged Nazis to instant justice. Some teams were also deployed to Hawaii and Asia to bring “instant justice” to many Japanese war criminals that avoided exposure and arrest. This whole Nuremberg trials and Tokyo Trials process needs to be repeated against the Criminal Cabal and all their kingpins, Top Policy-Makers, political and Judicial puppets as well as all their operative and mass-murderers deployed on the ground as mercenaries for fat paychecks.

And the worst of all this is the ability of the Crime Cabal to use American Generals and a sitting US Senator to start up and run ISIS/ISIL/Daish for them is truly disgusting but there is actually even more to this story. Because the honest faction of the US Military is now targeting some ISIS positions, what we actually have now is a secret American Civil War being fought in Iraq. Unless John McCain is stopped in his rise to become Chairman of the Armed Service Committee, he may be able to exert serious pressure and be able to push America into another War in Iraq (maybe Syria, Iran and the Ukraine too) and his actions could trigger a nuclear WW3 with the Russian Federation and President Putin who has just about had enough.

Hat’s off and High Commendations to Gordon Duff and his team of American Heroes who have now set the record straight and had the great courage necessary to publicly disclose for the very first time anywhere the true causes of ISIS/ISIL/Daish as a crime problem created by a large international Organized Crime Cabal. Now most of the World Security and Intel Units know the truth that has been hidden from them for many years by excess compartmentalizing and billions of dollars spent by the Crime cabal to control and prevent their access to this information. These Units now know with incredible clarity for the first who deploys synthetic terror, torture, mass-murder and asset-stripping in the Mideast and why. They now know it is being done to further the Crime Cabal’s goals and power.


Photo from

Gordon Duff is the Managing Director and Senior Editor of veterans Today, a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. He is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Gordon Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in numerous countries. Gordon Duff is a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. His business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology. He is the Managing Director of Adamus Defense Group of Switzerland.

 Jim Dean is the Chairman of Veterans Today and wears many hats, ranging from day to day operations to the development, writing and editing of numerous articles. He also has an active schedule of international TV and radio interviews. He has numerous contacts on the ground in the Mideast and provides detailed reports in his articles and on Veterans Today News Reports Radio. Jim Dean is also a member of the Military Order of World Wars, Association for Intelligence Officers, and the Senior Vice President, Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland.

Colonel James Hanke is a Veterans Today Director and US Army Special Forces (Ret.) Colonel Hanke is Former G2 Third Army, NATO Nuclear Weapons Commander, Attache to Israel, A-Team Leader Vietnam, and a Director of Operations, Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland.

Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of Veterans Today,  a radio host, a former GOP Campaign Finance Chairman, gubernatorial candidate for Arizona,  and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”.


Here is transcript of this Historic Keynote Address by Gordon Duff at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremist Conference held in Damascus, Syria first week of December, 2014. Gaps are where his speech was translated to listeners.

Gordon Duff: Too many people have died for people to continue speaking in terms that are unclear and just not speaking the truth.

It’s time we simply said what we know, whether it’s classified information or not.
All of you have seen the results of what we’re saying.

What we’re saying will fit what has happened here and what facts you’ve been able to bring out…

Our hypothesis is based on solid information, solid research on the ground, using human signals intelligence from our extensive capabilities.

We don’t guess.

We know what we’re talking about here.

Their motivation is largely economic.

They’re a criminal organization but they are part of a worldwide criminal organization.

And they’re here in your territory, taking your things – your factories, your lives, your people – for the enrichment of a specific group of people who need to be held to account.

It’s almost as though it’s a police problem.

This is crime.

This terrorism you’re suffering is worldwide crime on a scale we have never seen before.
There has never been anything like this.

Gordon Duff: I appreciate your statements and I recognize the truth and honesty of what you were saying but I do believe there are areas of misunderstanding how the United States works politically.

And this is a problem, a tremendous problem in the Middle East and one of the things that’s driven us here is it’s very difficult to understand what has happened as far as Israeli control of American politics and I will, as succinctly as possible, I will explain this to you.

Gordon Duff: In 2005, the Supreme Court of the United States had a decision on a case called Citizens United.
The decision of the Supreme Court legalized unlimited corporate bribery.

This turned control of the Congress of the United States over to human traffickers, narcotics traffickers and in particular, the most powerful individual in the United States today is a gambling boss named Sheldon Adelson, an Israeli citizen who fled the US living in Macau.

He spent over one billion dollars in the last election and bought control of both Houses of Congress.

Now Senator John McCain, the father of al Nusra, the father of ISIS, will be running US legislative and military foreign policy.

Gordon Duff: American generals like General McInerny and General Paul Vallely, specialists in psychological warfare, helped organize Daish.

They have traveled in and out of your country here, Syria, over and over, as had Senator John McCain.

Meeting with al Qaeda – an organization created by the American, Saudi and Israeli Defense Forces and Intelligence Services.

Gordon Duff: Only a week ago, the US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, resigned.

Chuck Hagel was the individual that stopped the United States from bombing Syria over the false flag gas attacks near Aleppo.

Gordon Duff: It was our organization here that supplied the intelligence that stopped those attacks.

Gordon Duff: It’s our goal here, while we are here, to try to establish a method of communication that will allow Syria and other nations within the area to understand Israel’s control of the US, the control of the US by organized crime and how the US government is subservient to a worldwide criminal organization.

Views: 532


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Comment by Besimi on December 20, 2014 at 12:57am

NAZI-Communist Bitch George Soros Has Now Crossed the Line

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend   YOUR   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Thursday   December 18, 2014
NAZI-Communist Bitch George Soros Has Now Crossed the Line 

 by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that North Korea has been the headquarters for the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan (BoJ) ponzi scheme with NAZI-Communist Jew George Soros' hedge fund as the major enabler.
Hungarian NAZI Jew Soros has conspired with the BoJ, U.S. Citibank and the Saudi Royal Family to attack the Russian ruble as to create cross-collateralized, undermargined foreign currency derivatives to support U.S. and Japanese equity crisis.
Soros has no cash now given his losses in the gold market but uses crooked offshore entities that allow him to use liabilities aka bank I.O.U.s as assets.
Soros directly conspired with the Obama Administration and the Saudi Royal Family aka closet Zionists to attack the price of oil and overnight futures markets as to further depreciate the Russian ruble on behalf of the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan's ponzi scheme.
The criminal Obama Administration and the current compromised and blackmailed Japanese government has allowed Soros, on behalf of Ukrainian NAZIS, to use the pension funds of both American and Japanese citizens as collateral in this latest financial looting operation.
At this hour, Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) has had enough!
P.S.  It is important to remember that NAZI-Communist Jew Soros, along with the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, helped financed, along with the Japanese mafia Yakuza, the North Korean nuclear facilities that were then used as a cover to disguise the financial criminality that took place on behalf of the Japanese mafia, the Central Bank of Japan and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
In closing, as we approach WWIII, it is important to note that Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has and always will be a devout Orthodox Christian who opposes abortion and homosexuality and tyranny.
Putin knows very well that current alleged fraudulent pResident (the False One) Barack Hussein Obama is a note homosexual and bisexual who received oral sex while doing cocaine in a limousine from Larry Sinclair of Chicago, Illinois.
Vladimir Putin also know through his Intelligence sources, including French Intelligence, that former U.S. illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD was also a rabid homosexual and bisexual who continues sex on a regular basis with his former college roommate and 'Skull and Bones' member Victor Ashe and had at least 38 visits in the White House from body builder and his homosexual lover Jeff Gannon.
And last but not least, is former First Lady and New York Senator Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton (elected twice without opposition and conspired in the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. who would have beaten her hands down in 2000 Senatorial race) remains a Satanic, 5th degree lesbian witch, who is actually related to 5th degree NAZI bitch Barbara Bush.  

George Soros may be appointed head of National Bank of Ukraine


Comment by Wayne Matthew Clarke 17 hours ago

I wish Putin was my President..  I am ashamed to be an American...

Comment by Wayne Matthew Clarke 17 hours ago

On and On we go.... Until there is no more.    Sad. 

Comment by Corina 20 hours ago

Wow.....they won't stop, would they?!

Comment by Besimi on December 20, 2014 at 12:56am

NAZI-Communist Bitch George Soros Has Now Crossed the Line

ALL Patriot Americans MUST know with sources inside
American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL
reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the
corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly
propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions

Protect and defend   YOUR   Constitution Bill of Rights,
the Supreme Law of the United States

Thursday   December 18, 2014
NAZI-Communist Bitch George Soros Has Now Crossed the Line 

 by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America   -   It can now be reported that North Korea has been the headquarters for the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan (BoJ) ponzi scheme with NAZI-Communist Jew George Soros' hedge fund as the major enabler.
Hungarian NAZI Jew Soros has conspired with the BoJ, U.S. Citibank and the Saudi Royal Family to attack the Russian ruble as to create cross-collateralized, undermargined foreign currency derivatives to support U.S. and Japanese equity crisis.
Soros has no cash now given his losses in the gold market but uses crooked offshore entities that allow him to use liabilities aka bank I.O.U.s as assets.
Soros directly conspired with the Obama Administration and the Saudi Royal Family aka closet Zionists to attack the price of oil and overnight futures markets as to further depreciate the Russian ruble on behalf of the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Japan's ponzi scheme.
The criminal Obama Administration and the current compromised and blackmailed Japanese government has allowed Soros, on behalf of Ukrainian NAZIS, to use the pension funds of both American and Japanese citizens as collateral in this latest financial looting operation.
At this hour, Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) has had enough!
P.S.  It is important to remember that NAZI-Communist Jew Soros, along with the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, helped financed, along with the Japanese mafia Yakuza, the North Korean nuclear facilities that were then used as a cover to disguise the financial criminality that took place on behalf of the Japanese mafia, the Central Bank of Japan and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate.
In closing, as we approach WWIII, it is important to note that Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin has and always will be a devout Orthodox Christian who opposes abortion and homosexuality and tyranny.
Putin knows very well that current alleged fraudulent pResident (the False One) Barack Hussein Obama is a note homosexual and bisexual who received oral sex while doing cocaine in a limousine from Larry Sinclair of Chicago, Illinois.
Vladimir Putin also know through his Intelligence sources, including French Intelligence, that former U.S. illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD was also a rabid homosexual and bisexual who continues sex on a regular basis with his former college roommate and 'Skull and Bones' member Victor Ashe and had at least 38 visits in the White House from body builder and his homosexual lover Jeff Gannon.
And last but not least, is former First Lady and New York Senator Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton (elected twice without opposition and conspired in the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. who would have beaten her hands down in 2000 Senatorial race) remains a Satanic, 5th degree lesbian witch, who is actually related to 5th degree NAZI bitch Barbara Bush.  

George Soros may be appointed head of National Bank of Ukraine


Comment by Wayne Matthew Clarke 17 hours ago

I wish Putin was my President..  I am ashamed to be an American...

Comment by Wayne Matthew Clarke 17 hours ago

On and On we go.... Until there is no more.    Sad. 

Comment by Corina 20 hours ago

Wow.....they won't stop, would they?!

Comment by Besimi on December 18, 2014 at 2:59pm

Comment by Besimi just now
Delete Comment

Also under that constitution that guaranteed '' happiness of all people'' ,
..created by those very rich/masonic/SATANIST killers/self-servers of all times ... ........Slavery never stoped ,even long after The ''Constitution for All'' declared ...

To this ''Modern Days of Freedom for All ,crap''   ...Majority in Prisons are always ,so called ''Blacks'' .

Comment by Besimi on December 18, 2014 at 2:26pm

Jeb Bush Commits HIGH TREASON in the Middle of the Night When He STOLE 9/11 Material Evidence from the Venice Flight School

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with reporter Sarah McClendon in December 199
UNITED States of America -  
Why did Jeb Bush and federal agents seize records from Huffman Aviation - Florida flight school of Mohammed Atta, and other 9/11 hijackers - in the middle of the night following the attacks of September 11th and load them onto a C-130? And why did Jeb Bush know, hours after the attack, where to look?
"Whatever secrets Dekkers may possess about the terrorists, records from his flight school were deemed sensitive enough to have merited being escorted back to Washington by Florida Governor Jeb Bush aboard a C-130 cargo plane, which left Sarasota less than 24 hours after the September 11 attack."
Interview of investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker
Valentine: The federal authorities came in and grabbed up all of the records of the flight school.
Hopsicker:  That’s right. They flew them out on a plane that also had Jeb Bush aboard.
Jeb Bush took control of hijacker flight records
by Tom Flocco
Lead hijacker Mohammed Atta took numerous taxicab rides in August, 2001, just before the 9/11 attacks, to and from Huffman Aviation Flight School in Venice, Florida--just south of Sarasota, according to The website reported that Yellow cab driver Bob Simpson said Atta was accompanied by Huffman’s owner Rudi Dekkers during two of the trips which were confirmed in the cab company’s Sarasota office log books.
WKMG TV-6 in Orlando reported that Mohammed Atta was using a pay phone at Orlando International Airport (OIA) in late August, 2001--just before the attacks--according to a surveillance camera tape. Officials said Atta had called a number in the Middle East from the airport at the exact time that a Saudi name "al-Qahtani was turned away from entering the U.S. at OIA by immigration agent Jose Melendez-Perez. (1-19-2004)
According to Mad Cow Productions, Simpson took Atta and Dekkers once to a restaurant in Venice and another time, he picked the two up at the residence of former Huffman employee Charlie Voss, in whose home hijackers Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi lived for a week when they arrived in Venice.
Also confirmed by the Yellow cab office manager was the fact that the FBI "expressed a keen interest" in the cab rides Atta had taken with the company’s other driver, who worked nights.
Huffman’s Dekkers issued what may have been a false statement in sworn testimony before the House Judiciary Committee in March, 2002 that "his relationship with the terrorist ringleader had been distant and had ended the previous December, 2000--nine months before the attacks.
MadCowMorningNews also reported that the day after the 9/11 attacks the local police in Venice had collected all the files detailing Dekkers’ relationships and business with the hijackers.
Curiously however, one local law enforcement official said, "The FBI took all our files, everything." Then he added, "they loaded two Ryder trucks right outside that (police station) window, then drove them right onto a C-130 military cargo plane at Sarasota airport which flew out with [Governor] Jeb Bush aboard." And there went all the hijacker evidence.
Governor Jeb Bush has never been asked to publicly testify by anyone about where he took all the Florida flight school records pertaining to both dead and remaining Muslim pilots still in Florida.
The documents, confiscated by Governor Bush, would reveal whether the alleged hijackers possessed the necessary skill to fly jumbo jets, but also information regarding their test scores, personality ratings, residences, financial payment records and flight training after-action reports, etc. All this, while also having met in private with his brother, President George W. Bush, the night before the attacks at the Colony Beach and Tennis Club at Longboat Key, Florida.
9/11: No Grand Jury, No Prosecutors, No Justice, No Accountability
P.S. At this hour the Bush-Clinton Crooked Bank Crime Family Syndicate have outsourced NAZI Paperclip NSA technology to the NAZI-Zionist Israeli Mossad in Haifa, Israel and the Japanese Mafia aka the Yakuza in Hiroshima, Japan to tap the cell phones, intercept and spoof text messages as well has hacking websites and email accounts of patriotic American citizens opposed to this Bush-Clinton NAZI criminal filth.
Direct message to NAZI scumbag Jeb Bush: You, along with fellow NAZI scumbag Dick Cheney and the NAZI Paperclip NSA have already committed two coup d' etat against against the American People.
State tuned.
The American People have had it
 and are ready to roll and pivot!
As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and
Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000 DULY ELECTED
natural born non-inaugurated, 
 REAL President of the United States.
Al Gore on Restoring the Rule of Law


DULY ELECTED non-inaugurated, natural born
Albert Gore Jr., 
the REAL President of the United States

The Bush-Cheney-Clinton junta used the criminal Nazi Paperclip NSA to steal five (5) states: Florida, Tennessee, West Virginia, Missouri and New Hampshire from then Vice President now year 2000 DULY ELECTED natural born Albert Gore Jr.
This criminal elite used the Voters News Service with the assistance of the CNN cable news network to place a computer virus in the Voters News Service in Gore's home state of Tennessee, which has a massive CIA outpost to complete the Bush-Cheney-Clinton coup d'état versus the American People.




The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World
In its international aspect the statue, which was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States, commemorates the long friendship between the peoples of the two Nations—a friendship that has continued since the American Revolution when, implemented by the French with sinews of war, it helped turn the tide of victory to the side of the Colonies.
By Benjamin Levine and Isabelle F. Story, National Park Service 1961


image source

Views: 11


Comment by Besimi just now

Deffending the Constitution is a good move against these Zion-nasties ,
... constitution also has to be restored to that of Original One,
...and also Constitution Itself , is getting to be old/out-dated anymore,cause got to do with American people only ,..and put out-there just after The Slaugher of Millions of Nativ-Indians .  (why after All That Slaughter ???? ).
--- Anyway is TIME FOR A GLOBAL CONSTITUTION OF PEACE ,to guaranty the INDIVIDUAL Freedoms and all other Benefits.

SoE Visitors



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