Higher Realms of LightThe Galactic Council of LightThrough Asara Adams,https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/08/higher-realms-of-light.htmlWe are here now. We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Dear One, know that you are supported on your journey through your Earthly experience by all realms of Light.
When things become too overwhelming for you, remember to reach up to your I AM Presence of God and the Higher Realms of Light.
The Higher Realms of Light include your Galactic Families of Light, The Angelic Realm of Light, The Ascended Master Realm of Light, The Seven Mighty Elohim and the Inner Earth Realms of Light.
It is important to move your attention towards your I AM Presence of God and the Higher Realms of Light, as this is the true reality.
Your outer experiences will never have as much power as God, unless you give these experiences your power...+
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