Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hemp for Alternative Energy and More

Hemp for Alternative Energy and More
Written by Escape The Illusion 2 Comments
Last Updated: March 3, 2010 Fuel:

* Farming 6% of the continental U.S. acreage with biomass crops would provide all of America’s energy needs. 1
* Hemp is Earth’s number-one biomass resource; it is capable of producing 10 tons per acre in four months. 1
* Biomass can be converted to methane, methanol, or gasoline at a cost comparable to petroleum, and hemp is much better for the environment. Pyrolysis (charcoalizing), or biochemical composting are two methods of turning hemp into fuel.2
* Hemp can produce 10 times more methanol than corn.
* Hemp fuel burns clean. Petroleum causes acid rain due to sulfur pollution.
* The use of hemp fuel does not contribute to global warming.


* Hemp seed can be pressed into a nutritious oil, which contains the highest amount of fatty acids in the plant kingdom. Essential oils are responsible for our immune system responses, and clear the arteries of cholesterol and plaque.2
* The byproduct of pressing the oil from hemp seed is high quality protein seed cake. It can be sprouted (malted) or ground and baked into cakes, breads, and casseroles. Hemp seed protein is one of mankind’s finest, most complete and available-to-the-body vegetable proteins. 2
* Hemp seed was the world’s number one wild and domestic bird seed until the 1937 Marijuana prohibition law. Four million pounds of hemp seed for songbirds were sold at retail in the U.S. in 1937. Birds will pick hemp seeds out and eat them first from a pile of mixed seed. Birds in the wild live longer and breed more with hemp seed in their diet, using the oil for the feathers and their overall health. 2


* Hemp is the oldest cultivated fiber plant in the world.
* Low-THC fiber hemp varieties developed by the French and others have been available for over 20 years. It is impossible to get high from fiber hemp. Over 600,000 acres of hemp is grown worldwide with no drug misuse problem.
* One acre of hemp can produce as much usable fiber as 4 acres of trees or two acres of cotton.
* Trees cut down to make paper take 50 to 500 years to grow, while hemp can be cultivated in as little as 100 days and can yield 4 times more paper over a 20 year period.
* Until 1883, from 75-90% of all paper in the world was made with cannabis hemp fiber including that for books, Bibles, maps, paper money, stocks and bonds, newspapers, etc. 2
* Hemp paper is longer lasting than wood pulp, stronger, acid-free, and chlorine free. (Chlorine is estimated to cause up to 10% of all Cancers.) 2
* Hemp paper can be recycled 7 times, wood pulp 4 times.
* If the hemp pulp paper process reported by the USDA in 1916, were legal today it would soon replace 70% of all wood paper products. 2
* Rag paper containing hemp fiber is the highest quality and longest lasting paper ever made. It can be torn when wet, but returns to its full strength when dry. Barring extreme conditions, rag paper remains stable for centuries. 2
* Hemp particle board may be up to 2 times stronger than wood particleboard and holds nails better.
* Hemp is softer, warmer, more water absorbent, has three times the tensile strength, and is many times more durable than cotton. Hemp production uses less chemicals than cotton. 2
* From 70-90% of all rope, twine, and cordage was made from hemp until 1937. 2
* A strong lustrous fiber; hemp withstands heat, mildew, insects, and is not damaged by light. Oil paintings on hemp and/or flax canvas have stayed in fine condition for centuries. 2


* Deaths from marijuana use: 0
* From 1842 through the 1880s, extremely strong marijuana (then known as cannabis extractums), hashish extracts, tinctures, and elixirs were routinely the second and third most-used medicines in America for humans (from birth through old age). These extracts were also used in veterinary medicine until the 1920s and longer. 2
* For at least 3,000 years prior to 1842 widely varying marijuana extracts (bud, leaves, roots, etc.) were the most commonly used real medicines in the world for the majority of mankind’s illnesses. 2
* The U.S. Pharmacopoeia indicated cannabis should be used for treating such ailments as fatigue, fits of coughing, rheumatism, asthma, delirium tremens, migraine headaches, and the cramps and depressions associated with menstruation. 3
* In this century, cannabis research has demonstrated therapeutic value and complete safety in the treatment of many health problems including asthma, glaucoma, nausea, tumors, epilepsy, infection, stress, migraines, anorexia, depression, rheumatism, arthritis, and possibly herpes. 3
* Deaths from aspirin (U.S. per year): 180 – 1,000 +
* Deaths from legal drugs (U.S. per year) at doses used for prevention, diagnosis, or therapy: 106,000


* Almost any product that can be made from wood, cotton, or petroleum (including plastics) can be made from hemp. There are more than 25,000 known uses for hemp.
* For thousands of years virtually all good paints and varnishes were made with hemp seed oil and/or linseed oil. 2
* Hemp stems are 80% hurds (pulp by-product after the hemp fiber is removed from the plant). Hemp hurds are 77% cellulose – a primary chemical feed stock (industrial raw material) used in the production of chemicals, plastics, and fibers. Depending on which U.S. agricultural report is correct, an acre of full grown hemp plants can sustainably provide from four to 50 or even 100 times the cellulose found in cornstalks, kenaf, or sugar cane (the planet’s next highest annual cellulose plants). 2
* One acre of hemp produces as much cellulose fiber pulp as 4.1 acres of trees, making hemp a perfect material to replace trees for pressed board, particle board, and concrete construction molds. 2
* Heating and compressing plant fibers can create practical, inexpensive, fire-resistant construction materials with excellent thermal and sound-insulating qualities. These strong plant fiber construction materials could replace dry wall and wood paneling. William B. Conde of Conde’s Redwood Lumber, Inc. near Eugene, Oregon, in conjunction with Washington State University (1991-1993), has demonstrated the superior strength, flexibility, and economy of hemp composite building materials compared to wood fiber, even as beams. 2
* Isochanvre, a rediscovered French building material made from hemp hurds mixed with lime petrifies into a mineral state and lasts for many centuries. Archeologists have found a bridge in the south of France from the Merovingian period (500-751 A.D.), built with this process. 2
* Hemp has been used throughout history for carpet backing. Hemp fiber has potential in the manufacture of strong, rot resistant carpeting – eliminating the poisonous fumes of burning synthetic materials in a house or commercial fire, along with allergic reactions associated with new synthetic carpeting. 2
* Plastic plumbing pipe (PVC pipes) can be manufactured using renewable hemp cellulose as the chemical feed stocks, replacing non-renewable coal or petroleum based chemical feed stocks. 2
* In 1941 Henry Ford built a plastic car made of fiber from hemp and wheat straw. Hemp plastic is biodegradable, synthetic plastic is not.

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Comment by JIM4HOPE on March 6, 2010 at 7:00pm
Isnt it so obvious that what grows free would adversely effect the profits majorly of the oil and medicine cartels.The other side of what has to be told is very hard for a people to accept is that there government works for corporations who have no intentions of doing whats good for we the people the evidence speaks for itself profits are more important to our government officials not common sense if it interferes with the catels who the real masters of our society livability then this handful of people which by far are criminals who have every intention and will continue to sale the lies we buy its our fault that we have allowed these criminals to engage in our lives so we live in a illusion of deception.People of the world we know what is the previous generations did not have access to what is the real truth of what is and isnt good for humanities sake like our generation has been given with the information from the internet its our responsibility knowing what we as a people must do or go down into a society where do as your told and not as you wish society is what we will have given our children as a inheritance ,if We The People Of The World dont understand what lies ahead if we dont end the cartels reign of lies and bring the truth of things for what they really are back out into our society then the 4th reich will have one and if your waiting for someone else to do what needs to be done then liberty and justice for all will just become a dream clouded by the misery we have allowed to rule our lives its our choice and nobody seams to want to accept the inevitable responsibility of our future to many of us knows the truth know to remain silent to what is wrong puts you on the wrong side as well and open mind is where it starts to happen you begin to think for your own futures well being not the what the cartels have dictated to you as how to think and behave that's not freedom that's slavery the truth is if we dont put a end to the cartels who want to rule you and I then we will deserve the rulers desires for there personal happiness and your only purpose will be to dedicate your life to there agendas and needs.If you dont believe its happening then your already living your life to benefit them.I am sorry for getting so wrapped up and frustrated I haven't enough patience to people who dont care about the truth they only care about what there told is how it is whether its wrong or right it .I know there are many who feel and see the same things I do but not enough
Comment by CHRISTINA on March 6, 2010 at 8:43am

Comment by JIM4HOPE on March 6, 2010 at 5:19am
How can somebody actualy make something t6hat grows natural and has a hundred beneficial uses against the law such as Bill Hicks said how can they believe something made by God against the law.There is much more there afraid of us finding out about it that threatens there control over us so to make it illegal to have and use there media to sale it as a very dangerous drug is the route they used to keep the secret about it in seclusion like so many othetrs to I bet
Comment by JIM4HOPE on March 6, 2010 at 5:07am
Thats one I learned today I wont forget to soon thanks simplemam .So that means when there looking for probable cause to pull a car over they can use that as there reason lol
Comment by simpleman on March 5, 2010 at 9:37pm
Did you know, that when law enforcement are trained to detect persons driving under the influence by observing how they are driving. The signs they are trained to look for with persons under the influence of marijuana are signs of a perfect driver with zero errors.
Comment by simpleman on March 5, 2010 at 9:30pm
the tree of life
Comment by Gerd Ambranovic on March 4, 2010 at 6:17pm
it's really time that this is understood by humanity and that we act upon that knowledge. Thank you!

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