Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Heaven Side of the Veil
By Catherine Viel

I sigh for the heavenly country,
Where the heavenly people pass,
And the sea is as quiet as a mirror
Of beautiful beautiful glass.
~Stevie Smith, The Heavenly City

Much has been said about the veil that obscures universal, spiritual, and metaphysical truths from humanity. Our origins and true nature are hidden from us; we’re not allowed to remember who we are, what glittering motes of stardust we’re composed of, and the expansive scope of the capabilities we harbor within us.

Apparently, so that we may contribute to Source experiencing itself in the myriad ways it wishes to, some of us “agree” to repeatedly reincarnate as perpetual amnesiacs on the third-dimensional merry-go-round of Earth. We might get inklings of familiarity, but not verifiable full-on memory of who we’ve been before.

This leaves me feeling a bit like a wooden duck in a carnival shooting gallery, going around the conveyor belt and popping up to be shot at one more time....+

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